but if you take me in your arms beat confident

293 15 27

I'm on my period. I'm so tired but it's fine

Time: 18;48 Dec 13th

After Wilbur was done doing Tommy's hair, Ranboo was about to knock on the door.

Ranboo actually had no regrets taking away Tubbo from his life. Yes, hes still trying to figure out weather or not he should still consider Tubbo as his friend. Doesn't really know if he should.
He finally knock on the door and The butler opened the door and and greeted Ranboo.

Ranboo walked inside, he tried to remember where Tommy's room was located. But to his surprise Tommy was limping already down the hall where Ranboo was. As tommy turned his head to look at the emty hall ways, he spotted a tall creature. He stoped to check if it was the person he thought he was seeing.
He saw Ranboo and smiled. He didn't want to show he was happy to see him but he couldn't hide it.

"RANBOO!" Tommy cheered happily his name.

"Hey Tommy!" Ranboo says and he hugs Tommy.

"Hey man, are you okay? Is your wounds Heald a bit?" Ranboo asked.

"I mean it's better." Tommy says and let's go of Ranboo.

"I like your- you're hair" Ranboo complements.

"Oh, uh thanks you.. Wilbur did it for me." Tommy thanks
They talk as they walk to Tommy's room.

"I see your still limping." Ranboo pointed out.

"Of course, it hurts like hell." Tommy complains.

As they sat down on Tommy's bed. Tommy took some cards and started sorting them out by it's colour a d it's number as he let Ranboo talk.
Ranboo and him was laughing at each other's jokes and having a ball of a time talking. They hadn't have a conversation like this before.

Time passed on tommy was working on his desk making the cards a tower and Ranboo was helping him as tommy and him talk. Then almost when tommy was about to put the last 2 cards on top of the tower, they heard a Knock on the door. Causing the Tower to calypse.

"AWW MAN!" tommy yelled in sadness.

"OH COME ONNNN"  Ranboo said after.

The door opened and saw Wilbur and Techno. They were coming to give Tommy something.

"Oi tommy you need to- oh hey Ranboo!" Wilbur greets as techno peeked at door to see Ranboo.

"Oh hey guys." Ranboo scratched his head.

Both of the boys at the doors came inside of tommys room and started chatting.
They sat all on the floor, in a circle just enjoying their conversation.

"So.. uh Ranboo did you break up with Tubbo or your still with him." Wilbur asked, Techno was still  laughing at the joke before he asked that. Ranboo didn't know if he should answer or not but he felt safe to say it.

"You don't need to tell if you don't want to." Wilbur added on to make sure he's comfortable.

"Uh, no it's okay... Uh yeah, um Tubbo and I are broken up. I broke up with him cause I realized.. he was being..toxic." Ranboo said.

Tommy looked away, he was thinking it was his fault for their break up. What if it was? Was he the one between them?

"Hmm I see.. it's alright man, I honestly think you did the right thing. You got away from a something that could of ended even  more wores that Is before. Don't feel so sad." Wilbur says.

"But why did Tubbo get so angry and toxic? Why'd he do that things to Tommy, and you? Now that's the real question." Techno said.

"Probably because of me.." tommy said, he's voice was deep as if he was sad and frustrated with himself.

"What? You didn't do anything" Ranboo said and pulled Tommy to sit next to him.

"What if it is? I just got in the way with wanting to hang out with you." Tommy said.

You didn't get in the way, Tubbo got jealous. You didn't do anything, you just was having fun with me. And he blamed everything on you. It wasn't your fault." Ranboo said to him.

Tommy kept his mouth shut. "Well, dream and I need to work out something. That's why I'm here. To get away from him! See ya later."  Techno said, and started to get up from his seat.

"I'd like to stay but I'm hungry. Talk later?" Wilbur does the same.

Before techno could leave he yelled as he walked out of the door, "DONT MAKE HIM PREGNANT!" 

Tommy and Ranboo nodded, Wil and Techno had left them alone. Tommy was laying on ranboos shoulder.

"Are you tired.." Ranboo asked Tommy.

"No. But your comfy you know." Tommy closed his eyes.

Ranboo blushed. Tommy looked up at his friend and he smiled. "aww nervous already?" Tommy said and smuggled into his neck.

Ranboo kept quiet. "Hope your okay Ranboo. I hope your not sad or anything."

"I'm alright tommy. Don't need to worry about me that much.. I should be worried about you, your leg hurts." Ranboo worried.

"You worry to much" tommy says and makes Ranboo lay down on the floor with him.

Sorry for a short chapter! I'll make the next longer. My dad took me out for lasagna. I like lasagna  AND JAMES MARRIOTT SONGS

Time: 23:55 Dec 12th

Word count: 888

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