Chapter 95

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Previously on Chapter 94

We pull away because we need to breath. Zuko place a soft kiss on my forehead. He pulls me closer. I just lean my head against his chest as we gently starts to sway our body following the rhythm of the song. The only thing on my mind at the moment was that I'm ready... I'm ready for the new life I'll have with my husband.

My Zuko

-Never Ending Love-


I open my eyes to the sunlight seeping through the gap of the curtain. I squint my eyes a little and blink them a few times. I turn my head to see an empty spot next to me.

"Zuko?" I called out. But no sign of my husband. I wonder where he is. I move to sit up and lean my back against the headboard, as I wait for sleepiness to go away.

The door opens to reveal Zuko holding a tray. He smiles when he notices that I'm awake. "Hey, good morning, love..." he said. He walks over to me. He places the tray on the bedside table and take a seat on the edge of the bed. He leans closer to me and gently places a quick peck on my lips.

"Do you sleep good?" He asked. I smile softly at him and nod my head. "I do..." I said. He smiles softly at what I said and leans down, placing a soft kiss on my belly. He moves to lay down with his head on my stomach.

"I can hear one baby's heartbeat... they sound like they're in perfect health" he said. I smile softly at what he said. I place my hand on his head, gently playing with his hair.

That's right... I'm pregnant. I have been pregnant for 9 months now. Time sure flies. It feels like it's just yesterday that Zuko and I got married. But before we realize it, 9 months have passed and we're waiting... soon we'll be able to hold our baby in our arms. I can't wait to welcome the little human in my arms. I'm going to shower them with all the love I could give.

"Don't be too hard on mama, okay kiddo?" He said, talking to my belly. I let out a giggle at his words. I ruffle his hair, making him turn to look at me. He smiles softly at me.

"Why?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. I shake my head at what he asked. "Nothing... I just find you cute, trying to talk to our baby. I'm sure you're going to be an amazing father, Zuko..." I said. He smiles at what I said and sits up.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I can see a glint of worry reflecting in his eyes. I smile softly and nod my head. I place my hand on his cheek, caressing it softly.

"Yes, I'm sure..." I said. He lift his hand, placing it on my hand which is still on his cheek. A tear escapes his eyes, making me frown at the sight. "Why are you crying, Zuko?" I asked.

"I just don't want to ended up like my dad..." he said, closing his eyes as more tears escapes his eyes. I frown at what he said. It's unarguably that Zuko's father are the worst father in human history. I don't blame Zuko for feeling this way. But knowing that he is worried he might ended up like his father, it tears my heart.

"You won't... you will never be like your father. I just know it" I said. He opens his eyes to look at me. He looks so sad and broken. "How are you so sure?" He asked, his voice cracks a little.

"Because you're Zuko... the man I love with all of my heart. That man isn't your father. You have uncle Iroh... and he taught you well and love you with all his heart. So you don't have to worry about turning out to be like him, because you'll never be like him" I said. He smiles weakly at me. He leans closer to lean his forehead against mine.

"What would I do without you, Y/N?" He muttered, smiling softly at me. I just smile at him. He grabs the tray and place it on my lap.

"I try to cook for you. This is also the first time I do anything like this... so I'm sorry if it tastes weird. But I made sure to make it as healthy as possible because you're with child. I don't want my precious child to get ill or something" he said. I let out a laugh and pat his cheek softly.

You're My Path (Zuko X Reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now