Chapter 11

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Previously on Chapter 10

I frown as memories starts to fill in my head. Until a memory of how Zuko betrays me starts to come. I just close my eyes tightly, letting my tears streams down both of my cheeks. Zuko... how could you?

-Horrible Realization-


I'm currently laying down on a rock bed made by Toph. It have a slight curve, so I can lean on it. Aang is sitting next to me, holding my hand. Katara is currently performing a healing session.

"How long was I out?" I asked. "Almost two months" Aang said. My eyes widened at what he said. "Two months?!" I said. He nods his head. "Yeah. You really scared us... we thought you'd never wake up" he said.

Katara removes her hands. "You're going to be fine. So far... I didn't find anything wrong with you. But do let me know if you feel sick or something, okay?" she said. I smile and nod my head.

"I don't feel sick... but I feel hungry" I said. "That is perfectly normal. You were in a coma and didn't eat anything. Hold on, Kay? I'll go and grab something for you to eat" she said. I nod my head. She smiles at me and stands up.

I turn to look at Aang. "Wow... you have hair" I said. He lets out a laugh and runs his hand through his hair. "Yeah... we're currently in disguise. The whole world thinks we're dead" he said. "What?!! Are you serious?" I said, sitting straighter. He place a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey... it's okay. We have a plan. The day of the Black Sun. We'd ambush the Fire Nation, because they will lose their bending. We'd make a come-back on that day" he said. I relaxes a little and nod my head.

"Let me guess... it was your plan, isn't it? Sokka" I said, turning my head to look at Sokka. He grins and nod his head. "Of course! Who else makes brilliant plans?" He said, proudly. "Hmm... I missed a lot of things. But I don't know if I miss your ego" I said. He let out a gasp and start sulking.

"I'm just kidding, silly... of course I miss you. All of you" I said. Sokka smiles at me. Aang wraps an arm around my shoulder. Toph just stand where she is. I can see a smile on her face.

Katara walks over to me, holding a wooden bowl. "I made you some soup..." she said. She hands me the bowl. I gently take it from her. "Thanks..." I said. I start to eat slowly.


It's currently night time. I turn to look at the sky. My eyes widened when I see something. "Guys! Hurry and take a look!" I yelled. They rush towards me. "What? What is it, sis?" Aang said. I point at the sky.

"A meteor shower..." I said. They turn their heads to the sky and gasp. "Wow, this is amazing to watch" Katara said. I nod my head in agreement. "Kind of makes you realize how insignificant we are" Sokka said.

"Why do you always have to be so grumpy? That is something that'll never change, huh?" I said. He turns to look at me. "And to think I miss you and your sarcasm..." he said. I let out a laugh and stick my tongue out at him.

"Eh, you've seen nothing once, you've seen it a thousand times" Toph said. I turn to look at her. I kinda feel bad because she was born blind. If it weren't for earth-bending, she would never have a way to see the world.

I turn my head to the sky. I notice a large meteor coming for the earth. "Oh man, you've never not seen anything like this" Sokka said, standing up. I stand up too. Aang quickly grabs my arm to make sure I don't fall over. I don't blame him for being so worried, as I just woke up from a coma.

"The fire is gonna destroy that town!" Katara said. I stare at the fire that is slowly spreading. "Not if we can stop it" Aang said. "Let me help" I said. He turn to look at me.

"No, sis... you just woke up. You should be resting" he said. "But-" I said. "It's not the time to argue..." he said, cutting me off. I let out a sigh and sit down. The others rushes towards the fire to put them out.

Appa moves closer and the others jumps off. Katara grabs the reign. I slide down and stand next to Sokka. "There's a creek over here. I'll bend the water onto the fire" she said. She urges Appa to fly to the creek, so she can get some water.

"Toph, let's make a trench to stop the fire from coming any closer" Aang said. Toph follows him to make a trench. Sokka who's holding me by my arm so I don't fall over.

"What should I do?" He said. Aang stops and thinks for a bit. "Keep an eye on Momo, l/n and Y/N..." he said. He runs off to put out the fire. "So what, I'm just a lemur sitter? There, there, feel better?" He said, sarcastically. I just let out a chuckle.

I turn to the others as they work to put out the fire. The fire is too big. I can't just stand by and watch. I move away from Sokka's hold and rushes forward. I use my earth-bending just like Aang. My eyes widen when nothing happened.

I try air-bending too, but nothing works. I let out a shaky breath as I stare at my hand in shock. By the time, everyone is done putting out the fire. My feet starts to shake as I fall on my knees. I stare at my hands in horror.

Aang rushes towards me and kneels down next to me. "Y/N? What's wrong?" He said, placing a hand on my shoulder. Katara, Toph and Sokka rushes over to me as well.

"You look so pale, Y/N. Do you feel sick?" Katara said, placing a hand on my forehead. But I just stare at the ground blankly. 'What's happening to me?' I thought to myself.

"Sis?" Aang called out, after I didn't say anything to them. I let out a shaky breath and turn to look at him. "What's wrong?" He said, looking at me with a worried gaze.

My lips starts to tremble as I stare at him. My tears starts to build up in my eyes. A horrible realization starts to feel my head, as I finally realize what's happening.

I choke out a sob as my friends circles around me. They stare at me worriedly, wondering what's going on. Tears starts to stream down my cheeks. I let out a choked sob as I turn to focus on my brother. "A-Aang... my b-bending...

They're gone...

*to be continued*

A/N: 😱😱😱😱. Y/N's bending are gone! How will Zuko react when he realize what he have caused? Curious? Stay tune~

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