Chapter 22

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Previously on Chapter 21

This is so bad... it's a wanted poster of Toph. I should have stopped them when they first attempt to scam that scammer. Katara was right... I should have listen and be more responsible. Oh Spirit! What the bell is wrong with me now?!



We reached the camp. Katara and Aang are training their water-bending, while Toph is counting money. We make our way over to her.

"Toph, while we were in town, we found something that you're not gonna like" Sokka said. He pulls out the wanted poster and shows it to her. "Well it sounds like a sheet of paper, but I guess you're referring to what's on the sheet of paper" she said. I let out a huff and shake my head.

"It's a wanted poster. Of you. They've nicknamed you the Runaway" I said. Instead of being worried about it, she looks excited. "A wanted poster! That's so great! "The Runaway." I love my new nickname. Is there a picture of me? Does it look good?" She said.

"Well yeah, actually, it does look pretty good" he said. I let out a sigh and hit his shoulder. He wince and turn to look at me, as if asking me what he did wrong. "Toph, you're missing the point. Maybe Katara was right. These scams are drawing too much attention to us" I said.

"Don't be such a worrywart. Why are you siding here now? Aren't you angry with her?" She said. I let out a sighs and cross my arms across my chest. "Yeah... I still am. I'm just worried about you, Aang and Sokka. Your involvement in these whole scamming thing. I just don't want you guys to be in trouble" I said. She walk towards me and wrap her arm around mine.

"Hmm... just think of it this way: Now you've got plenty of money to help with the invasion plan" she said. "Well, that is true. I had this idea of making armor for Appa" Sokka said. I turn my head to look at Appa, who opens an eye after hearing his name being mentioned.

"Here's a little extra, so you can get yourself a nice map of the Fire Nation. You know what? Make it an atlas" she said, handing the whole bag to Sokka. "I do like expensive atlases" Sokka said. "Of course you do. And that's why this wanted poster is going to stay our little secret" she said. She turns to look at me.

"What about you, Y/N? Is there anything you'd like to buy?" Toph said. She's trying to bribe Sokka. But I won't let it come to me.

"No, thank you... keep me out of this. I'm getting blamed enough as it is" I said. She just shrugs at what I said. "Suit yourself..." she said. She turns around and walks away. I turn to look at Sokka. He place a finger on his lips, in a shushing motion. He place the money inside his outfit.

"Sokka, tell me you didn't buy a bird" Katara said, as she walks up to us with Aang by her side. She turns to look at me. "What? Wanna blame this on me too?" I said, glaring at her. She shakes her head and turn to Sokka again.

"Not just a bird, a messenger bird. Now we can send messages all over the world. Even to Gran Gran" he said. Aang looks excited at what he said. "Wow, how does it work?" He said. "Hmm... uh, I never actually thought about that. Hawky, Gran Gran, South Pole" he said. Hawky just shakes himself.

"I think he gets it" I said. Sokka smiles and nods his head. I feel something jumps on my shoulder. I turn my head to see l/n. Momo doing the same to Aang. They screeches at Hawky. They fly towards him and start chasing him around Sokka's head.

"Hawky! Make nice! Bad Hawky!" He said. I let out a giggle and cover my mouth. "l/n... okay. That's not nice, girl. Come here..." I said. l/n stops circling his head and jumps into my arms. I gently rub her head, making her relax in my arms.


We are currently resting. Katara water-bends some soup she's making to Appa. He happily drinks it and licks his lip. I smile and pat his head, as I'm sitting on his arm. He licks my cheek which makes me giggle.

I turn my head and notice Toph and Sokka. They're walking towards us with a bunch of goods. "Well. Look who decided to join us. Where have you two been? Off scamming again?" Katara said. I let out a sigh and lay down on Appa's arm.

"Yes, we were" Toph said. "And I suppose you don't think what you're doing is dangerous at all?" Katara said. "No, I don't..." she said. "Really?" Katara said. I can hear a sound of irritation in her voice.

"Well then. What's this?" Katara said. I can hear a sound of paper. I sit up and notice Katara holding the wanted poster Sokka and I found the other day.

"I don't know! I mean, seriously! What is with you people? I'm blind!" Toph said, in annoyance. "It's a wanted poster of you! "The Runaway!" Is that what you're called now? Are you proud of this?" Katara said.

"Where did you get that!?" Toph said, sounding even angrier at Katara. "It doesn't matter where I got it. The fact is-" Katara said. "You went through my stuff! You had no right!" She said angrily.

"Your stuff was messy and I was just straightening up, and I happened to stumble across it!" Katara said, not wanting to be blamed. Ah great... here we go again.

"That's a lie! You're lying, Katara!" Toph said, while pointing a finger at Katara. Katara looks surprised by her gesture. But return to her angry self and push Toph's hand from her face.

"Fine! It's a lie! But you've been so out of control lately, I knew something was up! I knew you were hiding something and you were! Don't you walk away from me while I'm talking to you!" Katara said, as Toph begins to walk away from her.

"Oh really, Mom? Or what are you gonna do? Send me to my room?" Toph said. "I wish I could!" Katara said. "Well you can't! Because you're not my mom, and you're not their mom!" Toph said, pointing at the three of us who's been silent the whole time.

"I never said I was!" She said. "No, but you certainly act like it! You think it's your job to boss everyone around, but it's not! You're just a regular kid like the rest of us! So stop acting like you can tell me what to do! I can do whatever I want!" Toph said. Katara looks annoyed by her.

"I don't act that way! Sokka, do I act motherly?" She said, turning to look at Sokka. "Hey. I'm staying out of this one" he said. "What do you think, Aang? Do I act like a mom?" She said, turning to look at Aang. I turn to look at Aang.

"Well. I, uh-" he said nervously, while rubbing his eyes. "Stop rubbing your eye and speak clearly when you talk!" She said. "Yes, ma'am" Aang said. "Guess that proves the point, huh?" I said, smirking at her. She turns to me with an annoyed expression. I roll my eyes at her.

"Just face it, Katara... I know you're trying to look out for us. But the way you make it, seems like you are trying to be our mother and keeps on dictating us. And to be completely honest with you... it's very annoying" I said. Her glare flatters at what I said.

"Y/N's right! Ugh! I can't be around you right now" Toph said. "Well, I can't be around you!" Katara said. The two girls went separate ways. Aang turns to look at me.

"Why'd you say that, Y/N?" He said. I turn to look at her and roll my eyes. "Go on... go the hell on just like Katara did. Blame it all on me" I said. "That's not..." he said. "Just shut up!" I said. I stand up and walks away, not wanting to hear anything else.

I stop not far from them. I stare at my feet. What the hell is wrong with me? I notice that I'm getting angry and cranky. Was Katara right? Did I changed? Ugh... Zuko, this is all your fault!

*to be continued*

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