Chapter 69

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Previously on Chapter 68

I turn to look at Aang as we both shared the same troubled look. I turn my head to look at the ground. What are we suppose to do now? This is a nightmare.

-Back To Original-


I walk back and forth. I can feel worry and fear starts to creeping up in me. I run my shaky hand through my hair. Aang looks just as worried as me.

"Why didn't you tell us about your dad's crazy plan sooner?" Aang finally said, turning to look at Zuko. I stop phasing and turn to look at him. "I didn't think I had to. I assumed you were still going to fight him before the comet. No one told me you decided to wait" he said. I take a seat on the rock and runs my hand on my face, frustratedly.

"This is bad... this is really, really bad" Aang said, as he take a seat next to me. Katara walks towards us. "Aang, Y/N. You both didn't have to do this alone..." she said.

"Yeah, if we all fight the Fire Lord together, we got a shot at taking him down" Toph said. Sokka let out a cheer. "All right! Team Avatar is back! Air. Water. Earth. Fire. Er... spirits?" He said, turning to me with a questioning face. I just shrugs my shoulder. He grins and give a fan made of leaf to Suki. "Fan and sword!" He added, holding up a sword leaf. The end of it curled up, making me let out a laugh.

"Fighting the Fire Lord is going to be the hardest thing we've ever done together, but I wouldn't want to do it any other way" Aang said. I smile and nod my head in agreement. "Me neither..." I said. He wraps an arm around my shoulder. I wrap my arm around his torso, the others joins in. I turn to look at Zuko.

"Get over here, Zuko. Being part of the group also means being part of group hugs" Katara said. I open my arm, making Aang take a step a little away to give space for him. Zuko let out a sigh and walks over to me. He wraps an arm around my shoulder, the other around Aang's. I let out a yelp when Appa flies over and makes us collapse when he put his head over us.


We decided it's time to resume training. Zuko stands in front of Aang and I. "There's one technique you both need to know before facing my father - how to redirect lightning" he said. Aang just smiles at what he said. I move to stand up and walks closer to him.

"Okay, Sensei... lets see how it's done" I said. He just smiles at what I said. "If you let the energy in your own body flow, the lightning will follow it" he said. He use his fingers to demonstrate how the lightning will flow.

"You turn your opponents' energy against them" he added. Aang lit up at what he said, a grin appear on his lips. "That's like water-bending" he said. Zuko nods his head at what Aang just said. "Exactly. My uncle invented this technique himself by studying water-benders" he said.

"I've seen your uncle taught you that movements. I tried it... but I don't know if I did it right" I said. Zuko turns to look at me and smiles softly. "Well let's start training then?" He said. I smile and nod my head. Aang and I starts to follow Zuko, as he shows us the technique.

"So, have you ever redirected lightning before?" Aang asked after a while of silence. "Once, against my father" Zuko said. A frown appear on my lips. It's probably during the day he decided to turn sides.

"What did it feel like?" I asked. Zuko turns to look at me. "Exhilarating..." he said. He closes his eyes as he seem to be recalling the day it happened. He slowly open his eyes as he stares at my brother and I.

"But terrifying. You feel so powerful holding that much energy in your body, but you know if you make the wrong move, it's over" he said. I nod my head in agreement. "Yeah... that does sound terrifying..." I said.

"Well, not over over. I mean there's always Katara and a little Spirit Water action, am I right?" Aang said, turning to look at her. Katara give him a small smile.

"Actually, I used it all up after Azula shot you" she said. "Oh..." Aang said, disappointed. He turns to look at me and grins.

"What about you, sis? You can heal too with your spiritual energy" he said. I let out a sigh and cross my arms at what he said. "I'm not strong enough yet, Aang. The last time I attempted to use it was to heal you. Remember what happened? I got into a coma" I said.

"Oh yeah... forget it, then" Aang said, shivering at the thought. Zuko gives him a serious gaze. "The two of you will have to take the Fire Lord's life before he takes yours" he said. I nod my head in agreement. As much as I want to avoid any bloodshed. I know that it can't be helped. Unless we can find another way, we have no choice but to kill him.

"Yeah, I'll do just that" Aang said. From his tone, I can tell that he's thinking the same thing as me. Neither of us wanted to kill the Fire Lord. But what other choice do we have?


We're now standing by the rocky beach because Sokka wants to make a scenario to the battle for us to train in. "Gather round, Team Avatar" he said, as he place a carved melon on top of a draped mannequin. I tilt my head in confusion, wondering what the mannequin is for.

"In order to take out the Fire Lord - or in this case, the Melon Lord - our timing has to be perfect" he said. We gather around in circle as he explains what the tryout will be.

"First, Suki and I will draw his fire. Then, Katara and Zuko charge in with some liquidy hot offense, and while the Melon Lord is distracted, Aang and Y/N swoops in... and bam! They delivers the final blow" he said.

"Uh... what about me?" Toph said, realizing Sokka hadn't mention her name in the plan. Sokka turns to look at her.

"For now, you're the Melon Lord's forces" he said. I can see Toph getting excited by what he said. "So I get to chuck flaming rocks at all of you?" She said, in an excited tone.

"Whatever makes the training feel more realistic" Sokka said. Toph grins at what he said. "Sweetness" she said. I let out a nervous chuckle by how excited she looks. This is going to be a tough training.

*to be continued*

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