Chapter 14

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Previously on Chapter 13

I try to stop myself from laughing. But I gotta admit that he's pretty creative about it. I turn to look at Master Piandao to see him closing his eyes. He didn't show much reaction with Sokka's action. I can't read his expression either. I hope we can get through the lessons well.

-A Mind Block-


"Landscape painting teaches a warrior to hold the lay of the land in his mind" Master Piandao said. I just follow along, trying to make sure I don't fall over because I'm wearing a blindfold around my head.

I feel a hand pulling the blindfold off my head. "In battle, you only have an instant to take everything in" he said. I squint my eyes and blinks them a few times before opening them. I let out a gasp in shock at the beautiful view in front of me.

"Now, paint it" Master Piandao said. He gestures us to turn around. I do as told and close my eyes. I focus on what I saw and start to slowly paint the view I had in my head.

"I'm finished!" Sokka said, in an excited voice. I turn my head and see what he drew.

He looks so proud at what he drew

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He looks so proud at what he drew. Master Piandao looks unimpressed. "You added a rainbow?" He said. "Is that okay?" Sokka said. Master Piandao let out a sigh and shakes his head.

He turns to look at me. "What about you, Y/N?" He said. "Um... here..." I said. I held out my painting to show it to Master Piandao. He leans down to take a closer look. I gulp as I start to feel nervous.


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"Hmm... not bad" he said. I let out a sigh of relief. I feel glad that he approved.


We are now back at the castle. I sit on the side as I watch Sokka battling against Fat. Sokka trusts his wooden sword forward. He parries to strike and attempt to swing his wooden sword down. But he gets easily distracted.

"Sokka" Master Piandao said. Sokka turns to look over at him. Fat takes the opportunity to circle behind him and knocks him down. "Concentrate on what you're doing" he said. Sokka drops his head with a frown and gives him a half-hearted thumbs up.

"Alright, Y/N... you're up" Master Piandao said. I nod my head and stand up. I have a dual wooden sword on each hands. Fat walks over to chance his wooden sword into a dual one as well.

I take a battle stance as I wait for the right moment to strike. I lunges forward and swing my sword at Fat who blocks it with ease. I take a few steps back, as I think about the next step.

"Move your elbows, Y/N..." Master Piandao said. I nod my head and focus again. I lunges forward. Fat swings his wooden dual sword at me. I duck down and went behind him. I swing mine and land a hit on his back.

"Well done..." Master said. I lunges again. But a flash of Zuko's face when he was using his sword comes in mind. I come to a halt, which gives Fat a chance to knock me down. I land on the ground on my butt with a loud thud. I wince in pain at the impact.

Master Piandao walks towards me and stand in front of me. "Through your movement I realize that you have a turmoil inside your head. You must have a clear mind when it comes to sword fighting. One wrong move will caused your life" he said. "Yes, master..." I said. He call it a day. Sokka walks over to me and offers his hand. I place my hand on top of his. He pulls me up to my feet.

Night Time

Master Piandao shows us the room we'll be staying. Of course, we have separated room because of our genders. I turn to look at Sokka after Master leaves.

"Good night, Sokka..." I said, smiling at him. "Good night" he said. He turns around and walks inside his room. I turn around and closes the door behind me. I lean my back against the door, staring at the ceiling above me.

I can't erase him out of my head. My mind just keep on thinking about him again and again. I close my eyes as tears streams down my cheeks. I slid down and hugs my knees. I bury my face as on my arms as I cry harder. Why, Zuko? Why did you betray me?

Sokka P.O.V

After a lot of twisting and turning. I can't seem to fall asleep. I let out a sigh and sit up. I think I'm going to need some fresh air. I walk out of the room and walk passed Y/N's room.

I stop walking when I hear a sound. Which comes from Y/N's room. I tip-toe towards the room. I lean my ear against her room. I can soft crying sound coming from Y/N's room.

"Y/N?" I said. I can hear a sharp inhale. I can hear her trying to hold her breath. I can tell that she didn't want me to know she's been crying. But I know what I've heard... and I'm not going to let this slide easily.

"Are you okay?" I said. "I-I'm fine, Sokka" she said. "Don't lie to me, Y/N. I can hear your voice cracking a little. Can you open the door?" I said. I hear silence for a few seconds. Then the door slowly opens. Y/N stands there with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Sokka..." she said. I walk towards her and wraps my arms around her waist. I gently pull her closer to my chest. I run my hand through her hair, trying to give her comfort.

After a while, she finally calms down. I pull away and place my hand on her shoulders. "Let's go outside and get some fresh air..." I said. She nods her head, giving me a small smile.

We ended up in the balcony. Y/N place her elbows on the railing as she stares into the night. I can see tears still gathering in her eyes.


I lean my body forward against the balcony. Sokka is standing next to me, staying silence. I just stare at the sky. I eventually close my eyes, letting the wind gently blows my hair.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He said, breaking the silence. I turn to look at him and shakes my head. I turn my head away from him.

"It's about Zuko, isn't it?" He said. I turn to him. He looks at me in the eyes. "What makes you think like that?" I asked. He shrugs his shoulders at what I said.

"Well... I just remember the way to stand up for him back in our house in Ba Sing Se. I can tell how much you loved him... and the fact that he betrayed you. I know how painful it was for you" he said. I just keep my head down.

"I'm sorry... you warned me that loving him would only hurt me. But I didn't listen. Now look where I am now. I lost my bending... who knows if they'll ever comes back" I said. Sokka gently wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"They will come back... I'm sure they will" he said. I just give him a soft smile. I turn my body to face him and wrap my arms around him. He tightens his arm around me.

"Thank you for comforting me, Sokka..." I said. "Of course... we're friends, right?" He said. I pull away and smiles at him. "Yeah... you're the bestest friend I could ever ask for..." he said. He smiles and pulls me into another hug.

He escorts me back to my room. "Goodnight, Y/N. Sleep well" he said. "Thank you again, Sokka" I said, smiling at him. He smiles softly in return and heads to his room.

I turn around and enters my room. I head to my bed and lay down, turning my body to the side. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

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