A Knight's Armour

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.... What the fuck happened?

His eyes slowly opened, seeing RG walk over to him.

"You had a tussle with Shigaraki. We weren't able to recover him, but everything seems fine.... Bakugo's condition hasn't improved much though."

"If Tomura got away, then our fight isn't over.... Where's Mr. Aizawa?"

"Hurt, but alive...."

She stayed silent for a few minutes, before saying "There's a window next to you. I'm sure that they don't expect me to fight against someone with your abilities. If you get going now, you should be clear.


A/N- We are now delving into the fan made part.


*Where Tomura is*

".... So he's out already.... I suppose that even Decay has its limits."

He takes a sip from a glass at the old league of villains bar, swinging the glass, ice clinking together.

".... Oh for fucks-"

The wall next him get blown apart, red glowing eyes and Rai's outstretched hand going past him as he ducks.

"Tomura.... You know, when I first heard that you were the cause of Momo's condition, and that you tried to kill me, I thought maybe it was something I did.... But you know what?"

Rai's hand touched the wall, as he brought down his middle finger. The wall gained red cracks in it, as he turned it into dust.

"We are going to make you suffer."

He charged at him, reaching for his face. Tomura leaped back, avoiding him. He turned to fire at him, when Rai went to attack him again.

"You should be thanking me! This was the only outcome that made sense!"

"Do you really think that?! fine then!"

He touched his head, red energy flowing into him. Tomura's eyes became clocks, gazing into Rai's.

"This is-"

"Sir Nighteye's quirk.... See what I see...."

His eyes widened, as Rai took back the quirk.

".... What did you see Tenko?"

".... An impossible future."

Tomura touched the ground, about to use Decay, making Rai fire up Juggernaut. He jumped into the air, Shigaraki pulling back his arm.

"I really hate this phrase Fukuda.... Plus Ultra...."

A small bullet made of air appeared on his hand, purple energy flowing into it.


"Decay Rifle."

He fired, the bullet hitting the area next to Rai. "One hit from that, and we're done!"

He aimed his hand, firing a blast of sound while also taking a deep breath to use All shot. He breathed out, the power slicing through the air and hitting Tomura. The two both sent a punch into each others face, Regeneration quirks' working overtime.

When they faced each other, more bullets were sent out, Rai dodging them. He then made a decision.

He touched Tomura's body.... And disassembled him.

A second later he was reformed.

"FUCK!" He shouted in pain. "Was that Overhaul's-"

He did it again.

A Knight's ArmourWhere stories live. Discover now