Student VS Hero

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"I have to what?"

Fukuda was fine, albeit a little pissed off, but fine. That was until Mr. Aizawa announced that their exams would consist of fighting a pro hero.

"Now then, me and the teachers all spoke about this, Fukuda.... You're a special case. The UA staff all agreed upon you fighting alone."

Iida raised his hand, but Aizawa beat him to it.

"You're probably wondering why Fukuda's fighting alone, right Iida?"

He nodded in confirmation.

"Wouldn't Fukuda fighting along be too much of a one sided fight? Without any back up, he'd surely be outnumbered!"

"Not necessarily."

He turned off the lights and turned on a projector. He clicked a button and and image of Takeo appeared.

"Fukuda's quirk is more special, seeing as how it can also bond with others. So it's natural to give him a more difficult challenge." He turned back on the lights and said "It's only logical. Fukuda, you'll be fighting against one of Japan's top heroes."

He turned to the side to see them walk in.

"The current number 6 hero: Mirko"


Finally, it was his turn.

"Alright, I've gotta win this, otherwise I can kiss the training camp goodbye.... Along with my goals."


"Young Fukuda is a tough opponent, and he's confident too.... So why would we purposefully want to make him lose?" All Might said.

Present Mic nodded and said "He's right, why put him into a fight we know he'd lose?"

Aizawa sighed and said "Fukuda's gotten overconfident. He needs to learn that there won't always be a guaranteed win."

"It still doesn't add up though." Midnight said.

Aizawa smiled and said "Precisely, using Mirko will teach him a lesson. It's...."


Fukuda put on his stuff and walked out into a shopping mall arena.

"A logical ruse."

As he was walking, A certain red eyed ghost got next to him.

"You know, the odds are completely stacked against you. It's almost like they want you to lose!" A familiar vestige said.

Fukuda looked around and said "Don't worry One, I surely can defeat the number 6 hero.... Right?"

Out of nowhere, Mirko jumped at him, sending a kick into his stomach.


He steadied himself feeling something new. He started scratching his arms, feeling an itch. He was kicked away again, this time much harder.

"Give up kid, it's not worth the pain!"

On the cameras, the teachers watch Mirko walk closer, seeing Fukuda stop scratching.

She sent a kick at him again, but this time he caught it with his hand, red veins running through him.

She jumped back, saying "Something doesn't feel right."

Smoke covered the area around him, and they all heard manic laughing.

A distorted version of Fukuda's voice said "YES! Finally! A worthy foe! I haven't felt this good in ages!"

She looked in shock as he came out of the smoke, armour covering his mouth, and hands. On his head were two sharp rabbit ears made of armour, and his legs were covered in it, making them rabbit-like as well. Takeo's eyes glared at her and his smirked.

"What did you say your name was again? Let's see how the rabbit faces off against a hare!"

The two jumped at each other.

"LUNA ARC!" Mirko yelled kicking him.

He emitted smoke from his mouth and said "Devil's Arc...."

He disappeared in it, leaving Mirko to be trapped in the smoke. From where the other students and teachers were viewing, they could all see Mirko getting kicked, over and over again.

She got low to the ground and said "Eraser, this kid could have easily won the match by now! At this point, he's just doing this for the fun of it! With all that speed, it's like the kid took my quirk!"

On the other end, All Might said "Mirko, I suggest you exit immediately, Eraserhead will handle young Fukuda!"

Mirko stopped moving and disappeared in the smoke.



Fukuda was launched above the smoke, Mirko jumping after him.

"Luna Arc!"

She kicked him towards the ground, causing him to make a crater where he landed. The smoke cleared, showing Fukuda on the ground.

".... Rai Fukuda physical exam, fai-"

Before Nezu could finish, a clicking sound was heard.

Mirko looked down, seeing the cuffs on her legs.

".... Gotcha...!" He said going unconscious.


Fukuda woke up, clutching his head in pain.

"OOOOOWWWW!!!!" He said going through his pockets. ".... Where the fuck are my pain killers?!" He said in a mix of anger, panic, and fear.

Recovery Girl came in and said "Confiscated. Anymore of those and you'll have a heart attack, young man!"

He sighed and said "Did I win?" She nodded in confirmation and he said "Thank god! Mirko was tough! And you're telling me that was with the handicap? Geez...."

Recovery Girl let him out, and he met the gazes of all his classmates.

"Fukuda.... What happened back there?" Aizawa asked him.

He looked down at his hand and said "I don't know. I know that my quirk can adapt and use defense type quirks, but this is new!"

He looked up at them and said "It's probably not permanent though-"

Suddenly, two armour rabbit ears appear on his head.

"Well damn."

Aizawa stared at him and said "We'll have to do more research on this quirk of yours later. For now, you should all know something.... No ones getting kicked off the camp trip."

All students gave and audible sound of surprise and he said "If anything, the students who failed are the ones who need it the most. So prepare yourselves. Class dismissed."

All the students started leaving, when All Might appeared saying "Fukuda, you stay!"



*at the league of villains base*

"Compress, are you sure this new recruit will be useful?" Shigaraki asked.

"I guarantee! Her quirk is called Prehistoric, I'm sure she can explain the rest! Once we arrive.... We'll be a force to be reckoned with!"

Shigaraki took out a list and said "Our targets are Katsuki Bakugo, and masters golden goose....

Rai Fukuda."

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