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He was often called many things, but amongst his most hated.


That was it. All Fukuda wanted to do was relax and take a nice relaxing walk. But of course he had to run into traffic. The human kind.

"Just great, at this rate I'm gonna be late!" He sighed and said "Guess I'll have to take a shortcut!"

He focused on his feet, black plated armour becoming present on his ankles and below.

The armour on his ankles raised slightly, a red glow resonating.

"Let's blast off."

He jumped, in doing so that red energy became like a rocket, shooting out and helping him fly. He flew quickly, picking up the pace.

"Come on.... Come on!!!!" He said.

He turned quickly putting his feet out in front of him. He slowed to a stop, back flipping to come to a land.

"Thank god, at least you don't talk so much." He said to what looked like no one.

Little did they know, it wasn't a random statement. He knew what it meant.

He walked up to the UA building, still thinking about it.

"Time to win!"


He got ready, stretching for when they released the students. He almost considered letting him out. He wasn't stupid. Letting that thing out would be a sure suicide. A horn was blown, snapping him out of his thoughts. He covered his hands and feet in the armour, rushing off at some of the robots.

"DIE ROBOTS!" He shouted smashing them. '10' he thought, counting his points.

He ran towards some more, catching a glimpse of a green head. He turned down the direction, landing a kick on one that attacked the boy. The boy turned around and looked in surprise.


He turned around, confirming his suspicion.


He walked over to him, Midoriya saying "Fukuda, you have a quirk now!"

He smiled at the thought and said "Yeah, the damn thing came late, but I have it. It's been years, we should catch up some time!"

The two began running and Midoriya dodge a swing from one of the robots and decided to ask.

"So uh, I know it's a bad time, but what's your quirk?" Midoriya asked him.

He punched a robot before saying "You're right, it is a bad time, but what the hell. My quirk's name is-"

The two heard a rumble and a robot with a large zero on it appeared.

'THAT'S THE ZERO POINTER?!' They both thought.

"Mido, there's a girl trapped over there! Do you think you could use whatever quirk you have to buy time?!"

He nodded confidently and the two ran over to it. Fukuda ran over, and as he was freeing the girl, he heard a boom and a rush of wind went past him. He looked up to see Midoriya had punched the robot.... And was now falling.

He, on instinct, let his armour cover him, black armour covering his entire body, making him 9 feet tall, two horns made of the stuff that turned upward, curving back slightly, his hands became armour covered claws, large wings springing from his back, a tail growing out a whipping behind him.

He flew up quickly a red maw glowing. Nearly completely black eyes with red snake like pupils in the center locked onto him, grabbing him out of the air.

Midoriya looked up at him saying "Fukuda...? Whoa! Is this your quirk-"

"SHUT UP!" The form said headed towards the ground.

He eventually landed on the ground, placing his friend on the ground. A woman known as Recovery Girl. She placed a kiss on his forehead and Midoriya instantly healed.

"Thanks! Oh yeah, Fukuda!"

He looked up at the beast before the form said "I. Am not. Fukuda."

Before the form could say anything else, it clutched its head. The armour started fading back into Fukuda, the man himself looking concerned.

"MIDO! Did I hurt you?!"

He shook his head and Fukuda calmed down. "Good, I can't exactly remember what happens when the armour takes over."

Midoriya and him walked to the way out and the fan boy said "He was actually really kind! You should let him out more!"

Fukuda suddenly had a flashback of someone saying those exact words.

His expression darkened and he said "That's.... Not a good idea Mido. I'll see you later."


The boy walked into his home, seeing beer bottles littered all over a coffee table, the scent of alcohol still present. He sighed, walking up to his room. He closed the door, locked the window, and barricaded both. This was a practice he'd gotten used to doing every day.

He went over to a mirror, seeing his own reflection.

He closed his eyes and said "Takeo...."

He looked up again to see his other half in the mirror.

"Let's talk."

His quirk muttered something and responded "Oh, and what does the prodigal son want now?"

"Earlier today, you protected Izuku, why?"

Takeo laughed and said "You doubt my choices? I never wanted this, but I can't exactly just leave, can I?" He turned away and said ".... Time for a game of tug of war."

From outside his room, banging and multiple thuds could be heard, the door shaking every now and then. It stopped an hour later, Rai walking out the door, wiping a little amount of blood from his nose.




In his head his quirk was cheerful, taking control of their legs.

"Wake up! The mail came in today, and you know what that means!"

Rai sighed, knowing it had been a week since the entrance exam. He was even more annoyed that it took so long, he hated being anxious!

He walked back in a few minutes later, holding a small disk. He placed it on his desk, and a hologram of All Might appears.

"Ah, young Fukuda!" The hologram said. "You passed the entrance exam with 93 hero points, and 52 rescue points! Making a total of 145 points!"

His eyes widened in shock with his quirk congratulating them.

"Welcome to UA! PLUS ULTRA!"

The hologram cut off and he said "Takeo! We did it!"

He held up one of his hands, the other one turning into a fist bump covered in armour.

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