Hisashi Shigaraki, Dad For One, and Dad For All

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"How the hell do you expect to get me out of jail now?"

"Watch and learn."

Fukuda walked up to the stand and said "Hello, I'd like to show the court a way that will allow the release of All For One, while still keeping the peace. Recently, I've come into contact with a.... Special quirk. It will allow me to revert All For One back to a state of when he was still young. Yes, he's going to retain all the quirks he's gained over the years.... But he won't be a villain. It'll be a second chance for him, giving him the opportunity to make himself into a good guy.... What do you think?"


"ALL FOR ONE?!" Mineta screamed.

Hisashi Shigaraki stood at the front of the classroom, his red eyes staring in confusion at his pale white hair.

"I forgot what this felt like. Oh geez, I'm going to have to go shop for hair products, maybe some stuff for my skin?" He said as the class just stared.

The final decision was made 2 weeks ago, Hisashi now exploring what his newfound body has to offer. He could see without a quirk for crying out loud!

"Ah! Sorry! Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Hisashi Shigaraki! All For One, and father of Rai Fukuda and Tomura Shigaraki! Any questions?"

Mineta raised his hand and Hisashi's eyes gained a glare.

"Anyone besides the grape of one thousand STD's?"

No one moved and he sighed.

"Yes, Mineta?"

"Why is a villain in the school-"

Aizawa's eyes glowed red, Hisashi glared, and Fukuda put the grape into a choke hold.


"No, it's illegal."

"Release him Rai."

Fukuda huffed and released the grape headed boy.

"That being said Mineta, Mr. Shigaraki will be helping with all of your hero training. This also relates to Fukuda's quirk, seeing as how he now has an additional two-"

"WHAT?!" the class erupted.

Fukuda sighed and said "Yeah.... I don't know how, but I managed to get a hold of Overhaul's quirk. And before Sir died, I was gifted his quirk, neither of which I know how to use, so don't get your hopes up. The most I can do right now is.... Hold on, Kaminari come here."

Kaminari went over, and Fukuda locked eyes with him. His eyes turned into red clocks, turning clockwise.... Before going the opposite direction. They went counterclockwise, and Fukuda grimaced.

"Kaminari! So it was you who used the last of Mina's pink conditioner!"

The acid quirk user turned to him, proceeding to grab him by the collar.

"How did you know?! I didn't even hear anyone up!"

Fukuda shook his head, a headache already shooting through him.

"Fuuuuuuuck!" He groaned.

Hisashi grinned, saying "And that's why I'm going to help all of your quirk's progress."

*Later on*

"Sero, aim higher, your shots will be more accurate! Mineta, focus! Midoriya, slowly increase your output! Iida, keep running! Yaoyorozu, don't stop creating! And Rai, try using multiple quirks at once!" Hisashi ordered.

He might not be a pro hero, but he was a damn good teacher.

"I'm not sure how you're doing this, they never listen to me like that." All Might commented.

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