Quirk Troubles

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"I see, so after activating your quirk, you took some of Crust armour, and now you can use it?" All Might asked him.

"Yeah, but instead of my normal armour.... Let me just show you."

Crust had called All Might the day before, knowing that the pro hero has had some 'experience' with this. What the number one didn't expect was the oncoming stress he'd be put under.

Fukuda held out his hand, letting his arm stretch out and grab a water bottle from across the room.

He turned back to All Might and said "The armour plating not only serves as a form of defense, but it also lets me stretch my body beyond normal limits, like how Crust can make the shields he creates bigger or smaller. His shields are also more expandable than how my quirk is, so I guess in a way....

I stole his quirk."

All Might shuddered at those words, going pale.

'This can't possibly be related to him.... Right?' He thought. He rest a hand on Fukuda's shoulder and said "Let's keep this secret for now, okay?"


"Hosu? That's where my friend is!" Fukuda said getting on his costume.

He'd changed it up a bit, so instead of just the cape, he also had a gas mask and a pair of red goggles that could be set to thermal vision, and night vision. Him and his mentor immediately got off at their next stop, being greeted with the sight of multiple nomus.

"Di-Knight, evacuate civilians, I'll help clear the area of nomu!" Crust ordered.

Fukuda nodded and ran off, leading civilians away from the fight.

"Go, get to safety!" He said helping a child out of some rubble.

He turned to the side to barely block in time to avoid a punch. He looked up to see his attacker way a nomu itself. He charged at it, swinging his fist to hit it.

It then created a force field, electricity sparking on it. On contact, he shocked himself, getting blown back the nomu began to walk away again, when red lightning sucker punched it through a wall.

Fukuda breathed heavily saying "I don't know what you just gave me, but I like it!"

He punched it again, launching it into Endeavor's line of fire.... Literally.

He turned around, continuing to gather people up, keeping them away from the nomu and using his two new powers when needed. He'd never felt so alive!


Unknowingly to him, as he ran around, smashing nomu, his electrical output increased.

*From where Endeavor and Crust are*

"Crust, where's the kid?!" Endeavor asked him.

"I sent him to go-"


The two looked over to see a large burst of red electricity, followed by a stumbling image of Fukuda hobble over to them.

"Don't ask." He said. He cracked his knuckles and asked "What's the progress on  the nomu?"

Endeavor shot one and said "Finished, I got a message from Shoto earlier, we need to go!"


Once them and a bunch of other heroes came over, to Fukuda saw Midoriya being berated by a very old hero. He looked up to the hero killer.... Iida.

"Fukuda!" Iida called. Fukuda began walking over to him and Iida said "I apologize if I worried you, I let my emotions get the better of me-"


Fukuda punched Iida on the side of his face, before grabbing his shoulders and saying "WHAT THE HELL IIDA?!"

Iida's eyes widened in shock as he continued.

"You could have died! Are you that obsessed with getting revenge that you'd actually try to get yourself killed?!" His eyes turned into that of Takeo's and he said "You're my best friend!"

Iida looked down before looking at him and saying "You're right.... Besides, at least now it'll be a good conversation starter!"

He smiled at him before saying "Just don't die on me, a knight needs his guide you know!" His ears got covered in armour and he said "EVERYONE GET DOWN!"

A nomu swooped down and grabbed Midoriya, carrying him away.

"DEKU!" Iida called out.

Suddenly, the nomu fell from the sky, getting pinned down by.... Stain.

Endeavor came out, saying "Hero killer!"

"Endeavor, you fake!"

Stain's mask came off, freezing the heroes in their tracks.

"Come at me! I'll kill all of you fakes! There is only one hero that I'll ever let kill me....



"He's.... Unconscious." Midoriya said.

Fukuda clutched his chest, Stain's words echoing in his mind.


"Go back to Crust Fukuda, we'll be fine!" Iida said to him as they waited in the hospital.

"Fine, but only because I got quirk training in the morning! You better still be here when I get back.... Oh, and Tenya," He said stopping in the door frame. "Make sure you earn the title of Ingenium!"


Once Fukuda got to his room, he laid down, letting sleep overtake him.

".... Huh?"

Fukuda looked around to see himself in a black voided area, another figure present, red mist covering his face, making only his eyes present, red orbs staring at him.

"What the.... Okay weird dream, you win, can I wake up now?"

"You there, child."

Fukuda whipped around to face the man, seeing him walk over.


"You can see me?"

Fukuda nodded and the man laughed, saying "I guess you truly are worthy, huh? Just call me.... One."

Fukuda rubbed the back of his neck, before hearing an alarm go off. His eyes opened to immediately be met with light.

"What a weird dream...."

He then looked to his side to see the same man in a chair, waiting.


One's eyes widened and he yelled "YOU CAN STILL SEE ME?!"

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