All For Rescue

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"All.... For Armour?" He said processing.


It's been a couple days so far, Bakugo and Fukuda still being captured. Only difference is....

"Kachaan, I'm gonna try to use my quirk again, alright?"

Fukuda was hellbent on escaping. Ever since they arrived, something happened to make him want to leave, more so than usual.

"Damn nerd, can't you stop making noise for a few minutes?!" Bakugo responded.

They stopped upon hearing Shigaraki come back in with the rest of the league.

"Nice to see you're still here, now let's try this again." He sat down in one of the chairs and said "We want you to join the league of villains! With your abilities, you would be considered gods among the people. Surely hero society hasn't done that much for you?"

The one known as Dabi pushed a button on the TV, turning it on. The news appeared to show Aizawa at a press conference.

"Eraserhead, you say that your students wouldn't betray you, but what about your most monstrous student, Rai Fukuda? In the sports festival he displayed a concerning level of violence, should we be worried?"

Fukuda growled at this, clenching his fist.

".... Still not convinced? Tell you what, why don't we tell Bakugo a little something?"

Fukuda's eyes widened and he turned to the explosive porcupine.

"Bakugo, whatever you do, don't listen to a single word they say!" He said glaring at the league.

"You're 'friend' here, has a secret. Something only a select few members of the league know."

He walked over to Bakugo's ear and said in the most sickening voice:

"Rai Fukuda is not just a monster; he's also related to All For One."

Bakugo scoffed and turned to Fukuda for confirmation. His eyes widened in shock to see Fukuda looking paler than before.

"So, the leader of these guys is your relative, huh? From the way your quirk works, most likely your bio father, huh?"

He continued looking at the ground.

".... Family dinners and Father's Day must be weird."

Fukuda bust out laughing, Bakugo joining him.

"HA HA HA! Bak-Bakugo! What the fuck man?! Where did you even-"

Bakugo and his laughter died down, and once they could breathe again, he said "Damn, Dunce Face must be rubbing off on me!"

Shigaraki scratched his neck a bit, turning to Dabi.

"Dabi, let them out."

Dabi stared at him and said "Are you joking?! Fukuda might not do much, but Bakugo's gonna go berserk!"

"Just do it, we're having a meeting, not an interrogation."

He scoffed, walking over to let them out. Bakugo immediately burst out, getting in the center of the room and almost blowing up Shigaraki.

Fukuda got back to back with him and said "Yeah sorry, not happening!"

Shigaraki scratched his neck again, saying "Then let me ask you, Cherufe."

Fukuda suddenly felt a searing pain in his skull, almost like his mind was ripping itself apart. He got to his knees, tasting blood. He suddenly threw up, red pouring out of his mouth. He wiped the side of it, seeing a familiar blob crawl onto Shigaraki.

It went into his skin, covering his mouth like a mask, saying "Tomura Shigaraki. Finally, a worthy body!"

Shigaraki smirked and said "Fukuda has outlived his usefulness, we only need Bakugo."

Before the league could attack, there was a knock on the door.

"Pizza delivery!"

The wall suddenly burst open, All Might and several other heroes restraining the villains.

"Took you long enough!" Fukuda said.

All Might didn't respond, another hero, Present Mic, walking over to him.

"Rai Fukuda.... All For One's only child. To think I held the spawn of evil in the same room as all those students!" All Might said.

Fukuda sighed and said "If it makes you feel any better, I just found out myself."

Black goo exploded out of him and Bakugo's mouths sending them to a different location. He coughed, Bakugo helping him up.

"Bakugo, I need to borrow something off of ya. My quirk doesn't seem to take quirks, just copy them into my body permanently!"

Bakugo nodded as they were surrounded by the League Of Villains.

Bakugo and him got back to back and he said "Fine, but I want to use the armour in exchange!"

Fukuda chuckled and said "Deal."

Black and orange armour in the shape of Bakugo's hero outfit went around the explosive blonde, and Fukuda's hands began crackling with red pops.

The two began to fight, holding off the villains.

"Damn! You didn't think to tell me the downside of using your quirk?!" Fukuda yelled to him.

"You didn't think to tell me the upsides of your armour?!" The blonde retorted. Bakugo sensed something, looking up to say "OUR RIDE IS HERE!"

Takeo took control and flew him up, Fukuda using Explosion to take flight.

Once Bakugo grabbed onto Kirishima's hand, Takeo went back to Fukuda.


"So, care to explain everything?" Kirishima asked.

Fukuda looked around and said "Can it wait until we get back to school? I'm still in pain from literally having part of my mind, quirk, and body torn out.... Oh yeah, Shigaraki has Cherufe now, so that's happening."

They all looked at him and he said "I need some sleep.... Therapy, food, and a break from All Might.... But mostly sleep-"

He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk staring at nothing.

".... Fukuda?" Midoriya called, waving his hand in front of his face.

He toppled over onto the concrete. Everything was muffled and fuzzy, nothing truly registering in his mind.




".... Uuugh.... I think I held hit by a bus.... And then a nuke." Fukuda said rising.

He looked around his room to see himself in.... Where was he? The door opened a little later and he saw Yaoyorozu walk in.

"Momo?" He said, wondering what is going on.

Her eyes watered and she rushed over, engulfing him in a hug.

Bakugo arrived a few seconds later, messing up his hair with a smirk.

"Thought you died on us there Royal Face! I still need your stupid armour!" He said, releasing him.

Iida walked in with Midoriya and said "It's nice to see you awake your highness! UA has been.... Through some changes while you rested!"

"Fukuda! I thought you would be asleep forever!" Midoriya said getting next to his bed.

"Glad to be of service my noble friends. Now then, I need to tell you all something.... But this needs to be said to the whole class. I learned something at Kamino that might work in our favor. Until then.... I need some food."

"Way to have your priorities straight." Bakugo muttered.

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