Guardian Quirk

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"Aizawa, it's happening again!" Present Mic said to him.

Aizawa looked at Iida and said "Iida, watch the class."

He walked to Recovery Girl's office, seeing Fukuda's body shaking. He activated his quirk, knowing what was happening. After all....

It had been 3 days.

"When will the kid wake up...." Mic asked.

"Only time will tell. His quirk took a hold of his body, so think of it as fighting for who takes the wheel." Recovery Girl responded.

Suddenly, his eyes shot open, fear evident in them.

"Easy kid! You've been out for three days!" Aizawa told him.

Fukuda clutched his stomach, hunger present. He turned to the left, seeing the closest source of food....

Present Mic was just about to take a bite of his sandwich, pausing to see Fukuda's gaze locked onto it.

".... Kid?"

At lightning speed, he leaped off the bed, his armour turning him into a fox. He stole Mic's sandwich, running out the door.

"That little-"

"Hizashi get the hunting nets-"


"Woah!" Iida said watching the fox run through class.

It made a beeline for Yaoyorozu, jumping into her lap.


She looked up to see the Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic holding nets.

"That fox stole my lunch!"

When he got close, Takeo growled, leaning closer to Yaoyorozu.

He jumped off and changed back, Fukuda barely avoiding hitting the floor.

"Holy- Kaminari, how long was I out?!"

Kaminari looked away, Midoriya saying "Fukuda, you've been asleep for three days!"

He combed his hand through his hair and said "Three- three days?!"

Aizawa rubs his shoulder and Iida says "What's the last thing you remember?"

He thought for a moment before saying "I remember fighting Yaoyorozu.... Then everything hurt, and then I woke up in the nurses office, stole Present Mic's sandwich and jumped into Yaoyorozu's lap."

Everyone looked stunned and Aizawa asked "Say that last part again."

"I stole Present Mic's sandwich and jumped into Yaoyorozu's lap?" He had a sudden realization and said "OH MY GOD! I can remember what I did as Takeo!"


"Alright class, after the sports festival, it's clear we all need to put in some more effort. As such, here's your next assignment."

He lifted up a board that said 'TEAM SPARRING'.

The students were all sent out, changing into their gym uniforms.

Once they returned, Aizawa told them "While you all have great potential, you need more team experience. One such team will be working with me."

'Well, he didn't say it would be me-'

"Izuku Midoriya, Ochaco Uraraka, Tsuyu Asui, and Rai Fukuda."

The four students followed him once he finished speaking and he said "Here should be fine. Here's what we're gonna do," He pointed at Fukuda and said "I'll be on standby, Midoriya, Uraraka, Asui, you three will go at Fukuda. And due to the nature of his quirk, don't hold back."

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