Chapter 30 - The Invitation

Start from the beginning

The helpless nurse who pulled me out of the room tried to redirect my attention for a little while but eventually the doctor emerged from the room with a gloomy expression on his face. He shook his head toward me and I just glanced down at the ground unsure of how I was feeling.

The doctor allowed me to have a few moments of silence. He led me to a bench and allowed me to sit. He offered me a tissue before he gently asked what I wanted done with the body and Will's belongings. He didn't have many so I allowed the hospital to do whatever they wanted with them.

As for the body, I didn't know what to do. The doctor asked if I wanted him cremated or if I wanted to have him buried. If I decided the latter then he offered to lead me to the person who took care of that. I decided that I would have him cremated and I would put his ashes somewhere I felt was right.

I had to do all the paperwork and put a down deposit on the cremation. This stuff wasn't cheap and it wouldn't happen fast. I told them to send the ashes to me at the orphanage. I planned on going there and leaving here as soon as I could.

When I arrived back at the hotel, I sat on the bed and cried. I didn't have all that much time to actually cry at the hospital with all the nurses and the arrangements. I sighed and I realized how much I wanted Elliot to be there right now to hold me. It made me cry harder that I would never see him again.

I booked a plane ticket right away for New Jersey and I would leave three days later.

At the airport, Dell and Nancy were there to pick me up as I had called them in advance. When they saw me Dell rushed over and gave me a hug then Nancy gave me one and before I knew it, I was crying again on her shoulder.

They took me back to the orphanage giving me my old room. I sat my luggage back up in there and tried to make a routine. Get up, eat, talk to people, go to sleep. One day when I wasn't feeling so tired, I tried to read the novel that Grandma had given me.

Everything I read was about if I became Queen (which I so obviously was not going to be). I ended up giving up on the book. I didn't even glance at it for a very long time. My father's ashes came in a box. They were in a vase inside a box but I just couldn't bring myself to open it. I set it in the corner of my room. My father was in a box in the corner of my room, seeing that everyday made me want to cry all over. Finally I was broken out of my routine when Dell came rushing into my room one day.

"Checka! Checka!" Dell was panting a little.

"What?" I croaked from my bed.

Dell held up a white envelope in her hand and she wordlessly handed it to me.

As I began to open it Dell announced, "It's from Wilkenshire!"

I nodded since I had scanned the contents of the front. When I got the envelope open, I pulled out a thick piece of paper. It was a really pretty piece of paper with a lace border and fancy writing.

"What's the letter say?" Dell asked jumping a little eager to see.

My eyebrows furrowed as I read. "It's not a letter. It's an invitation."

"To what? A birthday party?" Dell asked.

I shook my head. "No, to a wedding."

"What?!" Dell asked taking the invite from my hand. I looked at her annoyed as she read aloud.

You are cordially invited to attend the wedding of: 

Lucas Stephan Garnier &  Julietta Anne Marques 
On Friday, June 18th from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM. 
To RSVP, please fill out the form attached and send it back. 

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