Okei! I'm with Harry, Roxy is with Niall, Lorrie is with Louis, mom is probaly with dad and Zayn will be with Tiff of course.. Then we have....

Liam.. Poor thing. He doesn't have anyone. I actually feel sorry for him.

"Hey! Guys.. I'm tired of all this drama ain't you?" I asked them random.

Liam, mom, Lorrie, Louis, Niall and Tiff nodded when Harry and dad said "Yes" (awkward) and Roxy, Zayn and Rebecca said "Oh yeah.."

Roxy and Rebecca came for five minuts ago...in human form.

"Lets have a fun day! Oh! Lets have a prank day!" I shoted.

"What's a prank day?" Liam asked me. We always have a awkward moment.

I look at him awkward. He looks at me awkward. It's ALL awkward. I'm just an awkward person.


"Ummm. Well.. We start with pranking each other and we also must take it on video aswell because in the night we can watch it. It is so fun to see their faces at the end!!" I laughed remembering what happend when I pranked Roxy once.

"I know whay ya thinking and DON'T say it! I'm worning you!" Roxy said serious.

I bursted into laugher and so did the others. I have a weird laugher so if you hear it, you laugh aswell.

"I start!! I'm the prank master and I'm gonna own you!!" I said and then ran in vampire speed to Harry's house.

Before I left I heard Rebecca say "Oh not again.." I think they were tired of running. Ha! To bad for them!

I got inside the house and stopped when I jumed on the sofa to sit on

"Feeling like home already?" Zayn asked me as he came in the door with Tiffany. They were holding hands!!

Aww.. I think Zayn have found his beautiful mate! Was on time.

"YEAH!" I shoted.

Hmm... Who am I gonna prank first?

"Oh! You know what would have been so cool?" I asked everybody as Rebecca came in.

We all were here. "What?" They asked

"If we go out and prank others!" I said totally fake over excited.

**Remember when I faked like I was really excited at school @Lizzie_directioner, @Lorrie_directioner and @HegeIsene? That was what I meant with fake over excited**

"Yeah! That will be a lot of fun. We have to film it though" Louis said as he did the same I did. FAKE OVER EXCITED!!

"Of course!" I shoted. I'm in a good mood to have a prank day!!!!

"So you wanna do it?" I asked them

Everybody shoted "yes" when Roxy said "If you DON'T use the vampire speed!!" She said being like really serious.

I laughed and nodded. I showed the guys a cool place I knew of that was in London. A club.

It was named 'All The Way' Whats not fun of pranking people who are drunk and when we get drunk. WOW!

I am so gonna have a hangover! Kidding.. I'm not drinking actually. Never had...

I'm just gonna prank every DRUNK person I see.

Louis drove us to 'All The Way' He had been there before so he knew where to go.

I have never been there but one of my friends have and she told me everything.

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