Belle grabbed her hoodie and left the apartment with Autumn. They strolled through the streets of Brooklyn and caught a train into the city.

The memorial was packed, but that was expected.

"We just have to find your father." Belle said softly, taking hold of Autumn's hand. "He'll be here. Somewhere. They supposedly have graves, too."

"Could we find them?"

Belle nodded. "I want to find his name first."

They walked up and down the rows, trying to find Bucky's name. When she did, she stopped suddenly, causing Autumn to bump into her.

Belle ran her thumb over the lettering and sighed sadly. It had been a year since the incident, but it seemed like the longest year of her life.

Autumn hugged Belle's arm. Belle patted her shoulder as Autumn held her tighter. She pressed a kiss to the top of her daughter's head. "Come on, let's go find the gravesite." 

Autumn nodded and followed Belle as she walked away from the memorial markers and to the graves.

Tons of other people had the same idea as they did, but none of them gave Belle a second glance. Belle and Autumn walked up and down the aisles, glancing at all of the names. Belle stopped suddenly, causing Autumn to bump into her. Autumn murmured a soft "Sorry.", but Belle didn't answer. She stared at the small gravestone in front of her.

Autumn clung to her mother's arm.

Belle took a small step forward, staring at the simple, black granite stone in front of them. The only thing engraved on the stone was his name.

James B. Barnes

"They deserve more than this." Autumn murmured. "This isn't fair."

"You're right." Belle sighed, wrapping an arm around her daughter and pulling her close. "One day we'll give your father a little something more."

Autumn nodded. She walked forward and sat down near the engraved stone. Belle stood behind her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"I know he'd be proud of you." Belle murmured. "He'd be so proud of you, just like I am."

"I miss him." Autumn whispered.

"I know. I miss him too." Belle squeezed her shoulder. "More than I can say."

Autumn put her face in her hands as a few quiet sobs escaped her mouth. Belle knelt down and wrapped her arms around her daughter. A few silent tears trickled down Belle's cheeks as she held her daughter close to her chest.

A gentle hand squeezed her shoulder, and at that moment, Belle couldn't care less who it was. That touch only made her cry more, because it was almost the same way Bucky used to touch her shoulder when she was upset.

Autumn's grip tightened on Belle's shirt as more sobs shook her body.

"It's not fair!" She cried. "It's not fair!"

Belle held her so tightly that she hoped all the broken pieces would come back together again. Belle knew how unfair life could be, and she knew that Autumn knew too, but that fact didn't matter right now. All Belle could do was hold her daughter and rub her back in hopes to calm her.

"I figured I'd find you here."

"Where else would I be on a day like today?" Belle sighed. "I thought you would have been here earlier."

"I've been here all morning."

A pang of guilt stabbed Belle's heart. Of course he'd have been here all morning.

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