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Don't do this 'i said please don't do this i begged as i was being dragged across the land that i once called home but all i saw was hate and anger but i did not understand why.

my parents watched from a far with a wicked smile as i was dragged away by our alpha a man i once considered a second father the only person that actually showed he cared for me were was he taking me i did not know.

there i see my older sister she seems to be holding something in her back but i can't quite see.

the next thing you know i am being thrown at her i am about to get up to get in a defensive position when i feel hands around my throat,arms,and legs.

then she comes up to me and says 'it's about time someone put's you down you have done nothing good for us actually all you have done is bring rogues to are border' and she says the words i hope to never hear again ' you are weak'.

right now i am in tears i don't know what i did to deserve this i did all they asked for i cooked,cleaned for them for 20 years i was there slave what more could they ask for i never asked to be born but since i am not about to die so i make one spell one that is powered with my own humanity.

a strong gust of wind starts
picking up my eyes start getting black i am not doing normal magic i am using blood magic the magic i was cursed with Phasmatos Siprum, Emnis Abortum, Fasila Quisa Exilum San ,Phasmatos Siprum, Emnis Abortum, Fasila Quisa Exilum San i chant over and over again until i see all of my skin start to turn into that of a werewolf when i stand up i am in all four then i quickly switch back to human form i stand up i am not done yet my teeth start getting longer and sharper my nails start elongating my skin starts getting stronger i look one more time back and i see all of my pack with shocked and scared faces i look at my sister and say am i still weak.

i run of as fast as i can into the woods never looking back but one day i will return to finish what i started.

please don't hate on me this is my first book

word count 428

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