Chapter Ten

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For a lockdown, Hollis we t to the store with Gemma and Shelly while Piney, Lyla, and the kids pick up Axel. They're getting the groceries and essentials they need for a lockdown and they head toward the clubhouse. Crow eaters, associates, families, old ladies.

Everyone is gathered in the bar room at the moment. Tig let's out a whistle.

"Everybody!" He yells out. "Listen up!" He yells again and everyone slowly goes quiet.

Clay and Gemma walk through the crowd and stand before everyone. There is still some chattering going in but not as much as before Tig whistled and yelled. Happy sees Hollis passing him, Bobby,  Juice, and others from the mother charter, and he pulls her over. Holly can't even move if she wanted to because Hap has a secure arm around her torso from behind as he has her leaning back against him.

"I wanna welcome you all to Club Reaper," Clay says as Jax greets his mother with a kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you made your reservations early 'cause, as you can seek we are booked to capacity."

There's some chuckling throughout the room but one came really tell where it came from the room is so full of people. Happy's other hand is tracing the exposed skin on Hollis's hip where she's in some low rise jeans, a cropped vest that shows off her tatted torso and tits, and some flats.

"You're here because you're family," Clay says in a calmer tone. "And because SAMCRO takes care of its own."

"Right on," one of the men in the crowd comments.

"Next couple of days," Clay continues, "this club's got some business to handle that could put our me,hers and the people connected to us..." he looks around at the families and even at Axel, who's being played with by Kenny, Ellie, and Piper "... in... unfriendly situations," Clay says, watching how he words it because of the kids in the building. "Now, chances are nothing's gonna happen, but — people have already been hurt on my watch." He glances toward Chibs and away. "And that ain't ever gonna happen again. Nobody gets in. Nobody leaves without an escort. You got a safety concern, you talk to Piney."

Piney raises his shot gun.

"And you got a comfort concern, you talk to my Queen," Clay continues. "Under this roof, you'll all be safe. I want you to make yourself at home. I love all of ya."

Everyone cheers and whistles at Clay. They all know that the clubhouse and TM is a safe place for them to be during times like this. They know that SAMCRO will protect them.


Hap turns her around and looks at her. "I drew something for you." He grabs her arm and pulls her to the guest dorm and closes the door. He shows her a tattoo drawing. "My crow."

"Oh, that's gorgeous," Hollis gushes.

"I wanted to ask..." Hap kneels in front of Hollis and between her legs. "I'm not the old lady type. But for you, I'd like to make an exception. Will you be my old lady?"

Hollis inhales sharply and nods. "I'd love to."

"Then, how about after this lockdown is lifted, I give you my crow?" He asks.

Hollis nods. "That sounds amazing, Hap." She kisses him quickly before pulling away. "You probably have church."

"Yea," Happy rasps and they go to the bar room. "We'll talk soon."

"What was that?" Chastity, a crow eater, asks.

"Happy just asked me to be his old lady," Hollis replies.

"Girl, if you said no, I'll deck you," Regina says. 

"I said yes!" Hollis announces. "And I'm getting his crow once the lockdown is lifted."

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