their reaction to being called dad

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(It's 5:52 am and I'm watching horror videos so here's an update)


You had a nightmare (you're very traumatized okay) and shook narrator awake

"Wake up...." You mumbled

Narrator stirred awake and turned to you rubbing his eyes

"Yes, y/n?" Narrator said Grogily

"Dad I had a nightmare..." You said with full sincerity

Narrator was used to being woken up in the middle of the night because of your nightmares and it never made him upset, he moved over like always and then it clicked.

'Dad I had a nightmare' replayed in his head like a broken record

He smiled widely but tried to hide it. When morning came during a recording with the boys he GUSHED about being called dad and on stream he'd smile everytime someone brought it up.


Josh was playing a horror game that you were unaware of. You were sitting on the couch peacefully when you heard Josh scream, not a loud scream but loud enough.

You didn't know he was recording and in the moment you didn't rationalize that he could be.

You walked quickly to where you heard his scream come from. Hurrying into his room he turned to look at you with his headphones in hand.

"Dad...are you...okay?" It sounded sarcastically yet intensely worried

Josh couldn't help but smile

"I'm okay bunny did I forget to tell you I'm recording?"

You blushed in embarrassment, apologized and left.

You worrying about Josh was trending on Twitter for about a week.


Juicy had taken you to the zoo because school has ended (mine hasn't yet 🥲 still have a while) and he wanted to treat you.

You ended up walking through the snake enclosure that had a lot of different snakes, snakes didn't scare you in the slightest. Until one tried to jump out at you but hit the glass wall separating you.

You jumped back and grabbed juicy forearm

"Dad!" You said startled

Juicy chuckled and reassured that you were in fact okay, he would go on to tell the story on stream.


Eddie was in the kitchen making breakfast in that stupid ass Apron when you came down from your room.

"Good morning, y/n!" Eddie greeted as you Grogily rubbed your eyes

"Good morning, dad" you yawned

Eddie paused and looked at you before smiling widely, he picked you up and rested you on his hip.

"Ready to help me cook?" He asked

You smiled and nodded ready to do absolutely nothing as you rested your head on his shoulder.


It was after dinner and you both we're on the verge of giving into a good coma.

You were sitting right next to mully on the couch when you couldn't hold your eyes open anymore

"Food was good, dad" you said just as you passed out

Mully, also really tired looked over to you about to speak when he noticed you were already asleep.

He smiled down at you

"You're welcome, kid" he said softly before passing out himself

(Sorry it's short and not that creative it's now 7:00 am 521 words)

the boys As parents X gn readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin