they find out you're being bullied

557 10 13

(Request thank you for requesting I literally forgot about this book AND I HAD TO REWRITE THIS CHAPTER 😭)


Narrator pulled up to your school to pick you up as usual, but you weren't there which was odd, he got out and gently went to look around as to not disturb anyone and then he saw it.

These older boys giving you shit, teasing, and shoving you, as you fell to the ground narrator immediately stomped over to the boys in a full fucken veteran rage.

He immediately started yelling at the boys, the boys told him to chill before they ran away, narrator turned to you and helped you up and gave you a hug before taking you home.


Josh was sitting at the kitchen table reading something on his phone when the front door slammed shut, making him jump. He saw it was just you and called out to why you slammed the door.

As you left to upstairs, he heard it. Kids screaming outside his house for you to come out, he immediately understood and went outside and yelled at them to fuck off or he'd call the police, like a Karen. But a good Karen. Like a Karen who feeds penguins.

The kids being afraid of the cops fucked off on their bikes, Josh closed the door and went up to your room knocking on the door, you didn't respond so he opened the door.

You were facing away from him when he sat down next to you, he gently rubbed your back and you rolled over just so you could see him.


Juicy was sitting on the couch watching weird memes that nobody but him could think were funny, just then there was a thud outside and wild laughter.

He was curious so he opened the door, and there you were. Lying on the door step briefly before getting back up and wiping your bloody nose on your sleeve.

Your sleeves stained with blood you turned to face the bitch who pushed you, just then juicy put his hand on your shoulder and guided you inside, the bitch woman screaming for you to come out and face her

Juicy put a stop to it quickly by yelling and threatening them with a Mexican.


As Eddie pulled up to get you, all he noticed was some girl taunting you by Messing and pulling on your hair, he could see you telling her to stop but she just continued.

He got out of the car and walked up to the both of you, he stared down at her for awhile until she looked visibly afraid.

You gave Eddie a hug and both of you left, in the car on the way home Eddie asked you how long she's been picking on you.

You just shook your head and stared out the window, Eddie was concerned but didn't push it just telling you, you could trust him.


Mully was about to go get you from school when you ran into the house, panting like you ran a marathon, which you probably did.

Mully was surprised to see you here and asked how the fuck you got back home, you bent over and painted the sweat dripping from your forehead before breathing out


Mully looked concerned before saying

"Thats a 35 minute walk and you RAN that entire thing?"

You nodded before collapsing onto the floor, obviously still breathing. Mully rapidly set his keys down before rushing to your side, you woke up on the couch with mully, your head resting on his thigh.

"Are you okay?" He asked

You nodded and sat up, he then asked you why you ran all the way home from school, you shook your head and told him how you had a knife pulled on you behind the school.

Mully looked horrified but remained calm and immediately spoke to the principal the next day

(676 words sorry this is super late I've been busy with doing absolutely nothing but writing characters)

the boys As parents X gn readerWhere stories live. Discover now