they get a phone call from your school

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Narrator was recording a kids are stupid video with the boys when he got a call from your school, he took off his headphones but forgot to mute so all the boys heard narrator speaking.

"Hello? What? Y/n did what?! Oh Lord I'll be there as soon as possible, yes, thank you. Sorry" he said

The boys stayed silent until narrator stopped the call

"Sorry boys I've got to go pick my kid up from school" he said

"What happened?" Asked juicy

Narrator rubbed his firm brow

"I can't explain right now, I just think it's ironic as we're recording a 'kids are stupid' video"

The boys laughed and said goodbye to narrator as he headed off, he drove to your school and saw you sitting in the principles office.

You gave him a sorry bittersweet smile

"Let's go" he said after signing you out

As you sat in the car in a long anxious silence, narrator piped up

"Why" he asked

"What?" You responded

"Whyyy did you start vaping" he asked

"I've been doing it before I met you, chill" you said

"You could seriously hurt you, I noticed you getting more and more short breathed lately and now I know why, give it to me" he said reaching his back to you

You groaned and gave him the vape before you eventually reached home


Josh was at home doing nothing but reading a book when his phone rang, he answered and it was your school.


"Yes hi, this is mrs. Randomassname from whatever school/high school, we were wondering if you could come pick up y/n" the lady asked

"Yes I can" Josh hung up and groaned assuming you were in trouble

As he arrived at the school he saw you sitting there, looking defeated. As Josh walked up to the front desk the lady started to explain.

"We've called you here because y/n was accidentally getting repeatedly hit in the head with a ball whilst some kids were playing in the classroom"

"Are they hurt?" Josh asked concerned

The lady looked over to you before looking back at Josh

"They weren't throwing the ball very hard and it was only an accident but they lashed out" she said

"They have every right to lash out if being. repeatedly. Hit in the head with a ball" Josh huffed before turning back to you

He gave you a hug before glaring at the lady, he signed you out and took you home.


juicy was out with the boys while you were at school, he was doing a shopping video with them when his phone rang.

He excused himself to the side and had a quick talk with the reception lady before walking back to the boys stating he had to go

"What? Why?" Asked Eddie

"I have to pick my kid up from school" juicy said feeling for his keys in his pocket

"You have a kid?" Asked kevin

"Yes?" Juicy said

The boys looked at each other before offering to come with, juicy agreed and they left to go get you.

As they got there the reception lady pointed them into the nurses office, where you were dying of food poisoning.

"Hey there, trooper you doin okay?" He asked putting his hand on your forehead

You nodded before squeezing your eyes shut tightly

Juicy picked you up and signed you out, you slept the entire car ride back


Eddie was having a conversation with gabby, a lively conversation until his phone rang. He apologizes to gabby and answered

"Hi this is miss. Fatwhore with absolutely no where school"

"Yes hello miss. Fatwhore" Eddie said

"Hello Mr. Vr (fuck if I know) I am calling to inform you that school has been cancelled due to a rat infestation"

"Oh shit do you need me to pick up y/n?" He asked

"Yes sir" she said

"I'll be right there" Eddie said ending the call

He and gabby drove to your school and saw you standing there alone

As you got into the backseat you said

"You were the last person they called before anyone else"

Eddie apologized and drove you home.


Mully was chilling at home cleaning a bit after you both decided to paint together, he set down the sponge before answering only to be greeted by a nasty old woman's voice nearly screeching

"Mr. Slays! You need to pick up your son/daughter/child IMMEDIATELY" she said with a huff

"Whao what? Why?" He asked

"Your CHILD has gotten into a fight!" She huffed again sounding more annoyed

"I will be there immediately" he said shutting off his phone, rubbing his brow in frustration

He drove to the school only to be greeted by you and a very skinny wrinkly old woman who thrusted you forward to him, he glared at her before taking you to his car

"What happened?" He asked

"Stupid fucking Dickinsons tried to steal my backpack so I decked him" you said still clearly upset

"What happened after that?"

"Mrs. Old-crone saw and decided that my side of the story didn't matter and sent me home" you said balling up your fist

"Calm down I'm just going to take you home now" mully stated trying to keep you calm

You nodded and got into the car.

(894 words)

the boys As parents X gn readerWhere stories live. Discover now