someone hits on you

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You were at a gamestop when some weirdo complemented you, you thought nothing of it and thanked the person, but it eventually turned into them hitting on you making you really uncomfortable.

Narrator noticed the look on your face and walked over to where you were

"Y/n the next store looks better" narrator stated softly, you nodded wanting to get away but the person followed you, you started becoming uneasy and narrator noticed them following you.

At first you didn't think anything of it maybe they just wanted to go to the same store? Well they followed you for 3 stores in total before narrator said something

"Get away from my child." Narrator said sternly and flatly making the person flinch and walk off grumbling.

Narrators harsh look turned back into the loving dad smile you knew and loved


You guys were out eating because nothing at home sounded good when this girl came up and started hitting on you, Josh had left to go to the bathroom so you were all alone.

Eventually after she continued to talk and talk and talk the uneasy feeling was stabbing at you. Waiting for your father to return you started to tear up in absolute panic wanting her to go away but to afraid to say anything.

Josh eventually came back and noticed your panicked expression and hurried over

"What the fuck is going on here?" Josh whisper yelled

"None of your business weirdo..." The girl snapped before turning back to you "why don't we get out of here" she said grabbing your hand.

Nothing mattered anymore and you snatched your hand away and started to hyperventilate, Josh stepped in and shoo'ed her away before sitting next to you and hugging you apologizing for leaving and offered to make waffles at home, you nodded and calmed down slightly and left.


You were waiting for him at the school yard when some dude came up and started hitting on you, he put his sweaty hand on your shoulder and you stood up, right then and there juicy showed up and saw you about to punch this guy.

He quickly intervened and asked what happened

"I was just trying to compliment this absolute babe and they tried to hit me! Like a psycho!" The neckbeard squaked

Juicy buying absolutely none of it glared at him and pulled you back slightly to protect you

"Well sorry they're taken." He stated flatly not actually knowing if that was true or not. Before the beard could get anything else it he hurried you away making sure you were okay


You were at a lovely Mexican restaurant that had amazing food, you sat outside with your father and some rando started to hit on you, visibly uncomfortable you tried to end the conversation quickly but nothing was working.

Eddie noticing the tension and stepped in

"Um excuse me that's my child" Eddie stated rudely

"Um I don't give a shit" the person snapped

You were now visible scared, this person REALLY wanted you and you couldn't do anything.

"UM I'm pretty sure it's my business! That's my kid you can't just be doing that!" Eddie snapped before he started to speak full on Spanish, before the person walked away the manager came out to see what was wrong and shoo'ed the weirdo away


You were at a mall with mully, you were just talking about the stores you've seen on the way here and what the fuck was for lunch?! (I'm hungry) when this guy came up and started hitting on you.

You gave him the resting bitch face but he didn't give up, mully stood there and rolled his eyes before looking at a store to help you escape too when he heard

"UM NO GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME" escape your lips

He whipped his head around and saw this creeps hand on your wrist

"WHAT THE FUCK" he blurted out

The dude visibly startled let go and put his hands up

"Be cool man" the chump said slowly backing up

"I will NOT be "cool" man that's my child! You do not touch my child! Should I call the police on you?" Mully said furiously

You couldn't help but laugh at his reaction and the dude glared before stating no mully didn't need to call the police and left, mully was still kind of irritated so you patted his shoulder

"You can rest easy now shoulder" you said before mully glared at you and made sure you were safe with a hug

(766 words)

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