you go to the hospital

711 13 22

(I should be doing homework, had a mental breakdown bon appetite)


Narrator had just gotten home from the gym, he's been trying to workout more. Especially with you now being there and all the weird stuff you get up to.

He walked through the door and announced your name, but there was no response.

He found the silence suspicious since you enjoy screaming at the games you play out of rage especially when he leaves you home alone.

He walked into the house, heart already racing in protective mode. A silent child means evil in mothers code.

He rolled up his sleeves and made his way up the stairs cautiously, he knocked on your door but got nothing, as he opened the door slowly.

He saw you lying motionless on the floor, he flung the door open and ran to your side

"Y/n?!" He yelled shaking you harshly but not to hurt you

You didn't move, your eyes didn't even flutter a bit, he picked your limp body up and carried you to his car.

As he waited in the waiting room he buried his head in his hands and cried, the nurse came back to comfort him which scared him.

She brought him to your room, to which he sighed in relief as you sat up to greet him, he immediately went to hug you

"Baby what happened??" He asked

"I tripped on my bed frame hard and hit my head, apparently it knocked me out" you explained sheepishly (I don't know I've never been knocked out)

Narrator sighed and then smiled, before hugging you again


Josh had taken you to a hockey game for the sake of bonding with you, you were having fun, your team was winning and you were able to tune out the loud cheering.

Eventually the lights started flashing heavily, your head started to ache but you put it off, eventually your demeanor changed to completely still as to not anger your brain more.

As you and Josh were leaving you couldn't help it, you stopped and bent over before completely losing grip and tipping over passing out.

Josh ran over to you and shook you, he picked you up and drove you to the hospital in complete worry, he waited patiently, biting his nails, sweating, fidgeting, etc.

The nurse then came out and lead him. to your room, he knelt down to the side of your bed and held your hand.

You looked down at him and smiled

"Sorry" you said

"What? Why are you sorry?" He asked

"I passed out and scared you" you said

"No no don't be sorry, I should have remembered" he said gently squeezed your hand


You stumbled into the house clutching your arm, red dripping from in between your fingers.

Juicy leaped up from the couch and ran to your side, you looked at him through a pained look, juicy knelted down in front of you completely panicked

You looked down at him, breathing heavily, your eyes trying to flutter close. Juicy gently slipped off your backpack and picked you up.

He rushed you to his car, and drove you to the hospital where you were taken into emergency surgery, he awaited the nurse to tell him everything was okay, that you were going to be okay...

He sat there and called the boys only some of whom answered, he avoided telling them why or who he was waiting for in the hospital and he cried and bit his nails, he waited for what felt like years.

Eventually the boys had to go and he was left there with his thoughts, his negative racing thoughts. Eventually the nurse came out and guided him to your room.

You sleepily opened your eyes and smiled at juicy, he knelt by your side and grabbed your hand demanding softly to know what happened, you turned your head softly in avoidance.

Juicy begged to know what happened, tears flooding his eyes again, you sighed and turned back to him

"Well... I was walking home from school when I was...jumped by this old homeless woman" you said your words singed with hatred and resentment

Juicy frowned and hugged you gently before you went back to sleep


Eddie was chilling on the couch, gabby was at the gym doing her thing leaving Eddie at home with the cats, then his phone rang.

He answered and his face dropped, he immediately flung himself off the couch and raced over to your school, getting pulled over in the process.

"License and registration" the cop said

Eddie started to pull out his license and such

"Do you know why I pulled you over?"

"Why?" Eddie asked frantically

"You're going 25 over the speed limit..." He said

"Officer my child has broken their leg at school and I need to pick them up" Eddie said handing over his drivers license

The cop paused and handed Eddie his license back, nodding and walking back to his car.

He signaled Eddie to go and Eddie raced over to your school, there you were in the nurses office writhing in pain. Eddie gently put a hand on your forehead and smiled

"Hey, amigo. I'm here to take you to the hospital"

You nodded and Eddie picked you up and drove you to the hospital, he sat next to you as the doctor bandaged your leg. You gripped onto eddies arm tightly until gabby showed up for support


You and mully were out and about having fun, getting ice cream, walking the dogs, visiting the kangaroos etc.

Eventually while walking around the zoo you started to get a throbbing headache, and feeling dizzy.

You chalked it up to being dehydrated so you had mully buy you water, you started to feel hot, your skin felt like it was burning and you felt like you were going to puke, you felt weak and like you were going to pass out. Your walking got a little more drunken like which caught mullys attention.

Mully noticed your red faced complexion, he put a hand on your forehead and you were burning up but you weren't sweating, he looked at you concerned before you passed out into his arms.

He immediately rushed you to his car and drove you to the hospital, where it turns out you had been having a heatstroke (I'm looking all this up okay-)

He sat in the waiting room until the nurse said he could come in, you were sitting there with an ice pack to your foreheads, he gently hugged you and rubs your back.

"How are you doing y/n? You passed out" he said concerned

"I'm okay just a little hot is all" you said

Mully frowned slightly and felt your forehead again, gently moving your hair out of your face, the doctor then came in and told mully about your condition.

You didn't suffer too much damage, but you'll need a bit to recover, mully nodded understanding, finally able to take you home to cool your temperature down.

(1198 words I had absolutely no clue where I was going with this halfway down sorry hope it's good enough :D)

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