failing - josh

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(Hello Rachel)

Y/ns pov

I walked home anxious severely anxious, they had sent out our report cards and I'm failing...

I tried to beat the mail man home but without a car I'm fucked...

I watched the mail man driving back meaning she had already been to our house

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck' I cursed out in my head as I saw my house get into view

"Maybe he didn't check the mail yet" I breathed out

I got to the front door and checked the mail and it was empty..."fuck" I hissed under my breath, I quickly and quietly opened the door and I saw no sign of Josh. I hurried up stairs and quickly started to get into bed.

Joshs pov

I was recording with the boys when the door bell rang

"Hang on boys" I said and went to go check the door

"Here's your mail sir" the nice mail lady said handing me a letter

I shifted through the letter and found a letter from the school. I closed the door and opened it to check what it was about, I didn't know y/n was failing. I went back to recording with the boys and a few minutes later I heard the door slowly open and close then hurried feet up the stairs.

Y/ns pov

I heard footsteps walking up the stairs as my shakey breathing almost turned into crying I felt a soft hand on my shoulder gently shaking me.

I slowly sat up shaking in fear and anxiety my eyes tearing up I looked at Josh who had a worried expression

"Mate you're failing?" Josh spoke gently

"I-i know I'm sorry I'll try harder" I flinched at his words. Josh looked taken aback

"Mate mate don't cry it's okay if you ever need help I'm here you know that right? Why are you failing? What's wrong?" Josh spoke softly gently wrapping his arms around me

I couldn't speak I just buried my face into his shoulder and let out a shaky sigh so afraid of the future and my past

He gently rubbed my back and went to stop recording with the boys. When he came back he pulled out my homework and helped me with whatever I was struggling in.

"If you ever need help don't hesitate to ask okay? I'm not going to hurt you" Josh added rubbing my back

I smiled at him and pulled out my phone to talk to toby.

(418 words)

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