Book Battles and Telepathy~ Whoufflé

Start from the beginning

"What? No--"

"You are!" The Doctor exclaimed. "I can tell, you think your fantasy book is better than my beautiful tragedy!" The Doctor scoffed. "As if!"

"Hold on now, mister!" Clara walked up to him, slightly peeved now. "I said nothing to show that!"

"You were thinking it," the Doctor muttered as he crossed his arms with the book still in his hand.

"And how would you know that?"

The Doctor's mouth formed a sly smile. "Remember that telepathic planet we went to yesterday?"

"Yeah, why-- oh." Clara suddenly felt very self-conscious about her thoughts.

The Doctor snickered quietly, soon to be stopped by a death glare from Clara, probably along with a telepathic death threat.

"Oi! Be nice, it can still hurt if you yell telepathically!" The Doctor covered his ears, a childish motion that obviously did nothing but make Clara laugh.

"How long have you been listening to my thoughts in this telepathic field?" Clara asked with narrowed eyes.

The Doctor awkwardly cleared his throat and replied, "Only just now..." He began to fiddle with his bowtie as if it was an absolute wreck in dire need of fixing.

Clara crossed her arms and glared at him.

He swallowed. "Fine... since yesterday."

"Were you listening to my dreams last night?" Clara accused.

"Um... possibly..."

Clara smacked him on the arm.

"Ow!" He shouted and began to rub where she had hit him. "You know how bored I get when you have to sleep! You sleep so long!" He whined.

"You've got no right..." Clara began to mutter angrily, then sighed. "Whatever. Just get rid of it later with your own Time-Lordy telepathy-whatever."

"'Time-Lordy telepathy-whatever'?" The Doctor mimicked, offended. "Excuse me for having super powers."

Clara rolled her eyes. "How about this," she said, changing the subject. "We debate about our books in a civilized manner, and we'll see who the winner is. I do it with my English pupils whenever they have a row about books in class."

The Doctor's face lit up. "To the debate room!"

"The what?"


"Your TARDIS actually has a room for just debates?" Clara laughed as the Doctor led her into a room with two steel, circle-decorated podiums and a long table with chairs set along each side.

Shrugging, he replied, "The Time Lords debated a lot. Over practically everything, actually. It was a common trend to have a debate room on your TARDIS." He stepped up to one podium. "I challenge you to a book debate, Clara Oswald," he gestured for her to attend the other podium.

"What, '1-2-3-4, I declare a book war?'" Clara laughed as she balanced on her toes to be a bit taller than the podium.

"Sure, whatever you say."

Clara thought for a moment. "The Hobbit is about adventure and family and is a classic!"

"The Fault in Our Stars is about eternal love in a hopeless situation! It's modern art!" The Doctor exclaimed.

Clara snorted. " 'Eternal love in a hopeless situation?' What are you, thirteen?"

"Nope. Eleven. Maybe twelve," the Doctor replied with a wink.

"Well anyway, The Hobbit is amazingly written with extremely descriptive imagery and it has a dragon. A dragon, Doctor," Clara said seriously.

"What is it with you and dragons?" The Doctor asked with distaste in his tone.

"I just really like dragons!" Clara protested.

"Well I really like love stories!" The Doctor shouted, soon realizing that the words had sounded less odd in his head.

Clara snorted. "Oh really, Doctor? You love a love story?"

"I... well so do you!" The Doctor exclaimed, frustrated.

"How do you know?"

"Because I can see it in your head!"

Clara's cheeks went slightly pink. "What?"

"You've been thinking about a love story of some sort all day! Don't deny it. I can see all of your thoughts presently." The Doctor sounded smug.

"I... I read a good book for my English class recently!" Clara explained.

"Ah, yes. The English teacher excuse."

"That's not even a thing, Doctor!" She shouted.

"It is! You've used it before," said the Doctor.

Clara sighed. "Whatever. Anyway. I still think that The Hobbit is the better book."

"No, it's The Fault In Our Stars. Love story. Like the one in your head, which I must ask about again," the Doctor implored.

Rolling her eyes, Clara stepped down from the podium she was standing behind. "You really wanna know the story in my head?"

The Doctor nodded eagerly.

Clara walked over to his own podium and looked up. She locked eyes with him.

"It's the story of us," Clara confessed. "That's what's been in my head. It's not a book, it's what I want our story to be. Because I have a rather large, rather silly crush on you." She let out a long breath. "There. I said it. Okay?"

The Doctor, with a face that Clara couldn't quite read, stepped down from his own podium.


He stepped close to Clara and took her hand in his. With a small smirk, he spoke:


And then he kissed her.

Clara broke away for only a moment of the kiss that she was very much enjoying.

"Hold on, did you just quote a young adult novel to say you like me?"

"So did you, in a way."

"Whatever, I still like The Hobbit more."

And then they resumed making out, still arguing through telepathy about their unfinished book debate.

~ ~ ~

I'm not really sure where that went, but hey, I wrote my first Whoufflè one shot!

You all are amazing for waiting so long for an update. I had really bad writers block for a long time, plus school, bleh. Hopefully I can get back to this again.

Thanks so much for reading!

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