Chapter Thirteen

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Faye stayed in the dropship with the Blake siblings. Octavia stood with her arms crossed, staring between the other two to see who would be the first to cause trouble.

Soon the door on the floor opened and Finn came through with a Clarke's mom.

"Oh, thank God. Where's Clarke?" Octavia asked.

"Trying to stop a war." Finn said.

Doctor Griffin examined Lincoln and told Octavia to tie up his arm. "Thanks to the supplies your brother found, Lincoln might have a chance."

"What's that?" Octavia questioned the small bottle the woman had.

"This will bring down his fever." Lincoln's arm twitched slightly when Doctor Griffin tried to inject him with the liquid. "Hold him down." Abby told them.

They all tried to keep Lincoln as steady as possible.

"What's happening? Why isn't it working?" Octavia asked, noticing his fever didn't go down.

"His heart stopped." Abby said. She tried the same thing Clarke did by pushing against his chest. "You're their healer?" Abby asked Nyko. "Tilt his head back. Pull his chin down to open his airway."

Nyko did as he was told.

"Come on." Octavia rested her hand on Faye's shoulder, gripping it with all her worry and fear.

"It's not working?" Faye asked when Doctor Griffin kept trying longer than Clarke did. Then she stopped.

"You're stopping. What's wrong?" Octavia asked.

"I'm sorry." Abby said. "He's gone."

"No, it's not possible. You're wrong." Octavia said pushing her out of the way.

"Octavia." Bellamy came over to his sister's side.

They all stood and watched her try to bring Lincoln back.

"Yu gonplei ste-" Faye started to whisper between her and Nyko.

The door opened and Clarke climbed through. With wide eyes she looked at her mom. Gusts came through then the commander.

With her hair pulled back and her face covered with paint.

Faye stood frozen next to Nyko. The commander looked Faye up and down but said nothing. She then looked at Lincoln's body, then Clarke.

Indra was the next to come through.

Faye noticed Bellamy slowly reaching for his gun, and Faye gripped her knife tightly. She knew she couldn't be the first to engage.

Lexa nodded at Indra.

"Kill them all." She told her soldiers.

Everyone drew weapons.

"Please, you don't have to do this." Clarke said, trying to talk everything down.

"You lied." Lexa reminded her. "And you're out of time."

Doctor Griffin dropped next to Lincoln and pressed the electric baton against his chest.

"Hit him again." Clarke told her.

Lincoln gasped and soon started breathing again.

After a moment of silence, Lexa returned her sword to its sheath.

- - -

After everyone had left, Faye stood outside the dropship looking at the charred field.

"When you left, I thought I would never see you again." Faye held back a small jump as she looked over her shoulder to see Lexa.

"Yeah, that was the plan." Faye said.

"It is good to see you."

"Yeah. I'm glad you won. Nobody else would have been good enough." Faye said, trying to loosen the tension between them.

"You would have." Lexa finally faced Faye. "You would have been a wise and strong commander."

"Not like you."

"But you would have won. You'd beaten us all time and time again."

"But you were the better choice." Faye was happy to hear she was the best, but knew deep down that it was all wrong. No matter how brave and strong she acted she was still a coward who ran.

"You escaped the Mountain." Lexa said, moving the conversation.

"Twice." Faye said, letting a small speck of pride through.

"How many cowards can say that?" Lexa said before walking away to join Indra and Gustus.


I don't know why but I just hate this chapter.

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