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A Few Weeks Later

"Today's lunch is really good," I say when Soyeon comes over to put down her tote bag on the chair.

She completely ignored what I said and instead asked, "How is it that you are always the first one here?"

I shrugged, really not knowing how to answer that question and proposed, "I walk fast?"

"Nah-you walk slower than a tortoise," Soyeon said, sitting down on the chair next to where she places down her bag.

I knew I couldn't argue with that and instead asked, "Aren't you going to get lunch?"

She shook her head and said, "I don't feel like eating."

"Why not?" I inquire further.

Soyeon made a resource face and said, "Bad cramps. I just can't eat right now. Or I'll throw up."

I nodded my head once as I heard her, understanding how she feels. Periods are truly the worst. Whenever I get mine, I just want to lay around in bed all day and sleep the pain off. Unfortunately, we can't do that.

"Still, eat something later. It's not smart to get by without eating anything," I say, well aware that Soyeon won't change her mind unless she wants to.

Nonetheless, Soyeon nodded and continued keeping her head down on the table while I returned back to eating. A couple of seconds later, Soyeon popped her head up and looked at me with obvious curiosity in her eyes.

"How long has it been since you started dating Seungcheol?" Soyeon asked.

I thought briefly about it and said, "Well. . .it was the one month mark about two weeks ago. So. . .definitely more than six weeks."

Soyeon nodded and then asked, "You're not the type of person to celebrate monthversary huh?"

"I remember the date we got together. But I don't particularly care about celebrating every month's anniversary. I feel like it will eventually end up being burdensome. But you know, I think he actually is the type of person to care about month anniversaries. He was the one who remembered it was our one month anniversary and he even got me a rose. I felt like a jerk when it completely slipped out of my mind," I tell her

Seungcheol has a very intimating and strong presence. Most people think him to be cold and and scary at a first glance but everyone at Sebong already knows he is intelligent and warm at heart. He is also respectful and caring and always puts me first in our relationship, never pushing me to do something I'm not comfortable with or always making sure I'm actually enjoying myself. So really it came as no surprise to me when I find out he cares about monthly anniversaries.

"Relationships change you," Soyeon said and I knew she is talking in generalization, "I do so many things I never did before I started dating Jun. Honestly, it's weird how willing we become to change ourselves for someone whom we pretty much not know when we get into an relationship."

I tilted my head and said, "I don't know if either of us changed that much for one another. He still smokes even when he knows how much I hate it."

Soyeon looked me in the eye and said, "Do you really think he will quit smoking for you when you've only been together for a month?"

Seungcheol smoked far more than I thought he did and it feels like every time he got a chance to be completely alone, he went away to lit a cigarette. I'm not sure where this comes from because as far as my knowledge goes, most of his friends aren't heavy smokers including both Jeonghan and Joshua. In fact I believe Joshua would rather be scorched alive than be seen with a cigarette in his mouth. Apparently he detests smoking.

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