Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways

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Damon laughs with Rose as Jack tells them a joke, all of a sudden a bright light appears from all sides of the Tardis

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Damon laughs with Rose as Jack tells them a joke, all of a sudden a bright light appears from all sides of the Tardis. "Dad! Rose! Jack!" Damon shouts as the three of them get dragged out the Tardis. Damon runs to the scanner on the console and looks at it "What's going on? Can you land where they've gone?" he asks the Tardis. Whirring slightly, the Tardis lands "Thanks." Damon tells her, going to leave. The door locks making Damon sigh "Really? This, again?" he asks, getting a whir in response. "I need to find dad, Rose and Jack." he tells the Tardis. The door emails locked making Damon groan "Fine!" he exclaims, slumping into the jump seat.

After a couple hours the door opens, Jack walking in "Damon! Oh, am I glad to see you." Jack smiles, hugging Damon. "What's going on?" Damon asks. "I'll explain in a minute." Jack tells him, going over to the scanner and looking at it "What the hell?" he mumbles. Damon sighs and follows Jack out the Tardis "Look who I found in the Tardis." Jack tells the Doctor. "Damon! Are you alright?" the Doctor asks. "I'm fine, the Tardis wouldn't let me leave." Damon assures him. The Doctor nods "We're not leaving now." he tells Jack. "No, but the Tardis worked it out. You'll want to watch this. Lynda, could you stand over there for me please?" Jack asks. Damon looks round not seeing Rose anywhere "I just want to go home." Lynda expounds. "It'll only take a second. Could you stand in that spot, quick as you can. Everybody watching? Okay. three, two, one." Jack counts down, a beam coming down and making Lynda vanish in a puff of smoke. "But you killed her!" the Doctor exclaims. "Oh, do you think?" Jack asks, another beam bringing Lynda back next to the Doctor and Damon. "What the hell was that?" Lynda asks. "It's a transmat beam. Not a disintegrator, a secondary transmat system. People don't get killed in the games. they get transported across space. Doctor, Rose is still alive!" Jack exclaims, hugging the Doctor with a laugh. "I'm sorry, what?!" Damon asks. "Long story, fill you in later." Jack tells Damon. "She's out there somewhere." the Doctor says. "Doctor. Coordinates five point six point one-" the Controller starts. "Don't, the solar flare's gone. They'll hear you." the Doctor tries. "-point four three four. No, my masters, no! I defy you! Stigma seven seven-" the Controller manages to say, before disappearing in a puff of smoke with a scream. "They took her." the a doctor says.

A man walks over and hands Jack a file "Look, use that. It might contain the final numbers. I kept a log of all the unscheduled transmissions." he tells him. "Nice, Thanks. Captain Jack Harkness, by the way." Jack smiles, shaking the man's hand. "I'm Davitch Pavale." Davitch responds. "Nice to meet you, Davitch Pavale." Jack grins. "There's a time and a place." the Doctor tells Jack. "Are you saying this entire set up's been a disguise all along?" a woman asks. "Going way back. Installing the Jagrafess a hundred years ago. Someone's been playing a long game, controlling the human race from behind the scenes for generations." the Doctor explains. "Click on this. The transmat delivers to that point, right on the edge of the solar system." Jack tells them. "There's nothing there." the woman says, looking at the projection. "It looks like nothing because that's what this satellite does. Underneath the transmission there's another signal." Damon tells them. "Doing what?" Davitch asks. "Hiding whatever's out there. Hiding it from sonar, radar, scanner. There's something sitting right on top of planet Earth, but it's completely invisible. If I cancel the signal..." Damon trails off in horrified shock as ships appear in the projection. "That's impossible. I know those ships. They were destroyed." Jack says. "Obviously, they survived." the Doctor responds. "Dad..." Damon whimpers slightly, the Doctor grabbing his son's hand in comfort. "Who did? Who are they?" Lynda asks. "Two hundred ships. More than two thousand on board each one. That's just about half a million of them." the Doctor says. "Half a million what?" Davitch asks. "Daleks." Damon whimpers.

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