New Earth

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Damon sits in the Tardis, sketching, as Rose says goodbye to her mum and Mickey before walking in "So where are we going?" she asks

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Damon sits in the Tardis, sketching, as Rose says goodbye to her mum and Mickey before walking in "So where are we going?" she asks. "Further than we've ever gone before." the Doctor responds with a smile, starting up the Tardis. Damon grins and jumps up, going his dad and Rose at the console "Yeah, but where?" he asks. The Doctor smiles as they land, leading Rose and Damon outside to a rivers bank with a massive city the other side. Flying cars zooming overhead "It's the year five billion and twenty three. We're in the galaxy M87, and this? This is New Earth." the Doctor tells them. "That's just... That's just..." Rose trails off. "Not bad. Not bad at all." the Doctor tells her. "That's amazing. I'll never get used to this. Never. Different ground beneath my feet, different sky. What's that smell?" Rose asks. Damon sniffs, bending down and picking up some of the grass before sniffing it "Apple grass." he tells her. "Apple grass." Rose smiles. "Yeah, yeah." the Doctor nods with a smile. "It's beautiful. Oh, I love this. Can I just say, travelling with you, I love it." Rose tells the Doctor and Damon. "Me too. Come on." the doctor tells them, leading them across the bank.

The Doctor lies his long coat on the grass, the three of them lying down on it and looking at the city as they relax "So, the year five billion, the sun expands, the Earth gets roasted." the Doctor starts. "That was our first date." Rose smiles. "We had chips. So anyway, planet gone, all rocks and dust, but the human race lives on, spread out across the stars. Soon as the Earth burns up, oh yeah, they get all nostalgic, big revival movement, but then find this place. Same size as the Earth, same air, same orbit. Lovely. Call goes out, the humans move in." the Doctor explains. "What's the city called?" Damon asks his dad. "New New York." the Doctor responds. "Oh, come on." Rose smiles. "It is. It's the city of New New York. Strictly speaking, it's the fifteenth New York since the original, so that makes it New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York. What?" the Doctor asks with a smile, seeing Rose's look. "You're so different." Rose responds. "New New Doctor." he tells her with a smile.

The three of them get back up and continue walking along the bank "Can we go and visit New New York, so good they named it twice?" Rose asks. "Well, I thought we might go there first." the Doctor responds, motioning to a pair of curved skyscrapers standing apart from the city on their side of the river. "Why, what is it?" Rose asks. "Some sort of hospital. Green moon on the side. That's the universal symbol for hospitals." Damon explains. "I got this. A message on the psychic paper. Someone wants to see me." the Doctor continues, holding up the paper which reads 'Ward 26 Please Come'. "Hmm. And I thought we were just sight-seeing. Come on, then. Let's go and buy some grapes." Rose smiles, linking arms with Damon and dragging him along in the direction of the hospital.

Damon laughs as they walk into the hospital "Bit rich coming from you." Rose tells the Doctor. "I can't help it. I don't like hospitals. They give me the creeps." the Doctor explains. "The Pleasure Gardens will now take visitors carrying green or blue identification cards for the next fifteen minutes. Visitors are reminded that cuttings from the gardens are not permitted." a voice says over the intercom. "Very smart. Not exactly NHS." Rose remarks. "No shop. I like the little shop." the Doctor says. .I thought this far in the future, they'd have cured everything." Rose says. "The human race moves on, but so do the viruses. It's an ongoing war." the Doctor tells her. Rose notices the faces of the nursing staff in their nun-like wimples and habits "They're cats." she tells the Doctor and Damon in shock and surprise. "Now, don't stare. Think what you look like to them, all pink and yellow. That's where I'd put the shop. Right there." the Doctor tells Rose, walking into the elevator with Damon. "Ward 26, thanks!" Damon tells the elevator. "Hold on! Hold on!" Rose exclaims, running after them as the door close. "Oh, too late. We're going up." the Doctor tells her. "It's all right, there's another lift." Rose responds. "Ward 26." Damon tells her. "And watch out for the disinfectant." the Doctor tells her. "Watch out for what?" Rose asks, not able to hear him properly. "The disinfectant!" Damon shouts. "The what?" she asks. "The disin. Oh, you'll find out." the Doctor groans. "Commence stage one disinfection." a voice says, the Doctor and Damon immediately being drenched by a spray. Damon sighs and pushes his now soaking wet hair out his face, his father laughing slightly as the fans start drying them.

The Doctor's SonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora