The Aliens of London

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Damon walks out the Tardis with his dad and Rose to find themselves back on the Powell Estate, the Doctor leans against the door and folds his arms "How long have I been gone?" Rose asks

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Damon walks out the Tardis with his dad and Rose to find themselves back on the Powell Estate, the Doctor leans against the door and folds his arms "How long have I been gone?" Rose asks. "About 12 hours." the Doctor responds, the three of them laughing. "Oooh! Right, I won't be long, I'm just gonna see my mum." Rose tells them. "What're you going to tell her?" Damon asks. "I don't know! I've been to the year 5 billion...and only been gone, what, 12 hours? No, I'll just tell her I've spent the night at Shareens. See you later! Oh, don't you disappear." Rose says, walking off and giving them both a look. "I'll make sure we don't leave you behind." Damon tells her. "You better." Rose laughs, running off in the direction of her flat. The Doctor wanders round a bit and kicks an empty bottle as Damon looks at a lamppost, spotting a poster on in. He walks over and freezes "Dad! Definitely twelve hours?" he asks. "Yeah, why?" the Doctor asks. Damon points at the poster making the Doctor read it and run towards the flats, Damon following. The two of them run into the Tyler's flat and find Rose and her mum hugging "It's not 12 hours, it's er... 12 months. You've been gone a whole year. Sorry." he apologises, giving a nervous laugh. Damon shakes his head "Sorry." he mouths to Rose who nods.

Damon sits next to Rose as Jackie rants to a police officer "The hours I've sat here. Days and weeks and months all on my own. I thought you were dead. And where were you? Travelling. What the hell does that mean? Travelling? That's no sort of answer. You ask her. She won't tell me! That's all she says. Travelling." she shouts. "That's what I was doing." Rose tells her. "When your passport's still in the drawer? It's just one lie after another!" Jackie exclaims. "I meant to phone, I really did, I just... I forgot." Rose tells her. "What, for a year? You forgot for a year? And I am left sitting here? I just don't believe you. Why won't you tell me where you've been?" Jackie asks. "Actually, it's my fault. I sort of er, employed Rose as my companion." the Doctor cuts in. "When you say 'companion', is this a sexual relationship?" the PC asks. "No!" the Doctor, Damon and Rose all exclaim. "Then what is it? Because you, you waltz in here all charms and smiles, and the next thing I know, she vanishes off the face of the earth! How old are you then? 40? 45? What, you find her on the Internet? Did you go online and pretend you're a doctor?" Jackie asks. "I AM a Doctor!" the Doctor defends. "Prove it! Stitch this, mate." she tells him, slapping him across the face. Damon covers his mouth to stifle a snort as Rose rolls her eyes at her mum. "What about you?" the PC asks Damon. "I'm his son." Damon responds. "He's also my best friend." Rose adds making Damon smile slightly. "How old are you?" the PC asks. "Fourteen, nearly fifteen." Damon responds. The PC nods "I'll call if I have any other questions." he says, standing up and seeing himself out.

Damon and the Doctor walk out the flat and head to the roof, Rose joining them soon after. Damon and Rose is on a wall as the Doctor leans against it "I can't tell her. I can't even begin... she's never gonna forgive me. And I missed a year? Was it good?" Rose asks. "Middling." the Doctor responds. "You're so useless." Rose tells him. "Well, if it's this much trouble, are you gonna stay here now?" the Doctor asks. "I dunno. I can't do that to her again, though." Rose tells him. "Well, she's not coming with us." the Doctor tells her. Rose starts laughing making Damon and the Doctor join in "No chance." Rose laughs. "I don't do families." the Doctor tells Rose. "She slapped you!" Rose exclaimed. "900 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." the Doctor tells her. "Your face." Damon laughs. "It hurt!" the Doctor tells them, rubbing his face offended. "When you say 900 years..." Rose trails off. "That's my age." the Doctor tells her. "You're nine hundred years old." Rose says. "Yeah." he nods. "I am actually nearly fifteen though." Damon tells her. "My mum was right. That is one hell of an age gap." Rose says, jumping off the wall "Every conversation with you just goes mental. There's no one else I can talk to. I've seen all that stuff up there, the size of it, and I can't say a word. Aliens and spaceships and things, and I'm the only person on planet earth who knows they exist." she rants. Just then a spacecraft narrowly misses them as it falls from the sky, right for central London. It smashes into the Tower of Westminster and crashes into the River Thames. The Doctor, Damon and Rose stand up with their mouths open "Oh, that's just not fair." Rose says. The Doctor laughs and grabs Rose's hand and pulls her off in the direction door, Rose grabbing Damon's as they pass him.

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