The Empty Child

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Damon wakes up to the Tardis shaking about everywhere "What the

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Damon wakes up to the Tardis shaking about everywhere "What the..?" he trails off before quickly getting dressed. Walking to the console room he finds it empty making him walk outside "ROSE: Doctor? Doctor? There's a kid up there!" Rose exclaims. Damon jogs over "Rose?" he asks. "Damon!" Rose exclaims hugging him. "How long was I out for?" he asks. "Couple weeks. I'll explain everything later, there's a kid on the roof." Rose explains. "Let's go help them then." Damon smiles, leading Rose over to the fire escape staircase. "Are you all right up there?" Rose asks the child. "Mummy?" the child asks. Damon and Rose run up the fire escape staircase to the flat roof below where the child is stood "Mummy?" they ask. "Okay, hang on. Don't move!" Rose tells the child. A rope suddenly dangles down in front of the pair, the two of them grab it and tug it to make sure it's secure before using it to climb up to the child "Mummy. Balloon!" the child exclaims, pointing up to a barrage balloon. The balloon drifts, pulling Rose and Damon away "Doctor! Doctor! Doctor!" Rose shouts. "Dad! Dad!" Damon exclaims, tightening his grip. Searchlights comb the sky as explosions and fires start in different areas of London, a squadron of German planes flying across the sky "Okay, maybe not this t-shirt." Rose comments, talking about the Union Jack t-shirt she's wearing.

Rose loses her grip on the thick rope making Damon let go with one hand to grab her hand "No no no!" Damon exclaims as he loses grip himself. The two of them scream as they fall before being caught in a beam "Okay, okay, I've got you." an American voice tells them. "Who's got me? Who's got me, and you know, how?" Rose asks freaked out. "Tractor beam." Damon tells her, trying to give her some reassurance. "I'm just programming your descent pattern. Keep as still as you can and keep your hands and feet inside the light field." the American tells them. "Descent pattern?" Rose asks. "Oh, and could you switch off your cell phones? No, seriously, it interferes with my instrument." the American asks. "You know, no one ever believes that." Rose says, turning her phone off. "Thank you. That's much better." the American tells her. "Oh, yeah, that's a real load off, that is. I'm hanging in the sky in the middle of a German air raid with the Union Jack across my chest, but hey, my mobile phone's off." Rose says. "Be with you in a moment?" the American tells them. Damon chuckles slightly "We're fine Rose, tractor beams are safe. Don't feel the best though." he tells her. "Hold tight!" the American says. "To what?" Rose asks. "Fair point" he responds.

Rose and Damon hurtle down the beam and land in a ship, Rose landing in a brunette man's arms while Damon lands on a beanbag "I've got you. You're fine, you're just fine. The tractor beam, it can scramble your head just a little." the American man tells Rose. "Hello." Rose says. "Hello." the man responds. "Hello. Sorry, that was hello twice there. Dull, but you know, thorough." Rose tells him. "Are you all right?" the man asks. "Fine." Rose responds. The man puts Rose down "Why, are you expecting me to faint or something?" she asks. "You look a little dizzy." Damon tells her as he gets up from the beanbag. "What about you? You're not even in focus." Rose says before passing out, the man catching her and placing her on a bunk. Damon goes over and checks her over "She's fine, just passed out." the American tells him. "She's my best friend, I'll always reassure myself of her safety and well-being." Damon responds, brushing Rose's hair out her face before sitting next on the floor next to the bunk.

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