Chapter 5: Vampire Vigil and Tea (second quarter)

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"Oh! Rose!"

"Hey, Jer. Nikki told me what—oh my god they trashed the place!"

Jared looked where she was looking, at the clothes spread across the floor, the cabinet ajar, the socks hanging out of the open dresser drawers, the books spilling off the bookshelf. He turned back to Rose. "Whaddaya mean?"

"What do I mean? Look!"

"Look at what?"

As the reason for his confusion dawned on her, she winced. "Yo never mind. Nikki told me you had a break-in. You okay? Aw shit, they hit you?"

He raised a hand to his cheek. "No I'm—I'm fine. The guy ran off when I woke up."

"Well. Thank god you wake up for burglars, huh?"

Jared let out a short laugh. "No kidding."

"So you good? Nothing stolen, just some whack job, in and out?"

"Yeah, I guess." He dropped his gaze, and it fell on the doorknob. "Actually about the, um..." He flushed to his ears. "'s gonna take another couple months."

Rose gave him a look of mild exasperation. "Right now that's what you worried about? Son you taking that too seriously. I don't care if it takes you a bit longer to pay me back. Buy food and shit. Get yourself some decent clothes."

"Can we talk about something else!?"

"Aight chill. We still on for the beach Saturday?"


"Oh no. Donchu back out on me now. You need some R&R. Besides, you gotta be there." She brimmed with glee. "I got an announcement."

His own woes were instantly forgotten. "No! Don't tell me—"

"Now no guessing!"

"You're finally—"

"Bitch you stop guessing!"

He grinned. "I guess we're celebrating. The usual? Barbecue and a marshmallow roast?"

"Don't forget the beer. Mike's treat."

"If you bring the hot dogs, I'll bring the puns."

"Bitch I'll un-invite you. But naw man, it's cool, Alma's bringing the buns. Anyway we all know Lou pays you shit."

Jared winced. Suddenly remembering Lou's questioning in his office last week, he asked: "Is, uh, is Lou coming?"

Rose scowled. "He better not. And donchu make that smug-ass face!"

"You're better off without him."

"I know that. I don't need you to tell me."


"Anyway, I gotta get to choir practice. Meet me at the station at three for Saturday."



Rose whirled off, and she took the warmth from the apartment with her, leaving him staring at the empty hall. He'd been so busy, spun from one thing to the next, he'd had no time to come up with a plan. He'd nodded on the subway, unable either to think or to rest. Now all he wanted to do was sleep, and sleep was the one thing he couldn't do. The sun was going down.

Jared looked around at his apartment, the glorified shoebox that was costing most of his income. The bleak sunlight slanted across the worn floorboards to be choked in the dust in the corners, while the ragged punctures in the ceiling dragged his attention upward. Behind him, the door hung slack in its frame.

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