Chapter 25

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She stood me up. I'm here stood at the altar, and she hasn't showed up. I'm five seconds away from storming down this isle and dragging her to the alter.

I understand where we left off wasn't great, but I'm willing to make it right. For the rest of my days, I'll try my best to make it right. But she's taking the chance from me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Violet take a few steps forward.  She stops in her tracks once I hold my hand out.

"I'm sure she's just feeling nervous. I'll go get her."

"No." I leave no room for argument as I head down the aisle.

God help her, because if she ran, I'll fucking find her.

I try my best to calm my breathing as I march towards her dressing room. I loosen my tie as I push the door open.

My eyes roam around the room. Taking in the mess. Cushions are on the floor; the couches looks as though they were pushed. Marianne is nowhere in sight. Leaving the doorway, I step further into the room.

She has to be here, there's no way she left.

Her heels are sprawled onto the floor. The white shoe, now has a hint of red. I grab it, holding it tightly in my hand.

I'm filled with relief that she didn't run away, but I think I would have preferred that then this. Someone took her.

Xander bursts into the room, along with others. He takes in the room.

"Run some tests," I hand the shoe over to him. "Marianne's missing." I'm hoping that the blood on the shoe isn't hers and whoever took her. "Christian, check and see if anyone saw her being carried out." he nodded then followed Xander out.

It was just Antonio and me. "I'll go tell the rest and send out a search party. Maybe .... she ran off." he himself didn't even seem to believe the words that came out of his mouth.

With that he left me alone.

There's no way that she ran off. I know deep down she didn't want any of this, but Marianne wouldn't just run off and then there's the blood and the state of the room. Someone took her. And I'll kill whoever did.

I'm killing every single man that was on watch today.

Who would be stupid enough to cross me. To take something that's mine. No one. No one is that fucking stupid.

Another reason I wanted Marianne to move in with me. Yes to keep her from running, but she was safe there. Protected. I mean, Xander was watching her for crying out loud and he, aside from Gideon, is the only one I trust to watch her when I'm not around.

I even stopped her from attending school, because anyone could have taken her there.


Xander waltz back into the room, doing a sweep of the area like I had done earlier. All we could do now was wait for the results.

"I think I know who took her," I'm not certain, but I have the feeling that I may be right. "Run a background check on a guy name Chet. He was Marianne's dance partner. I threatened him a while back."

Xander arched his brow at me. His expression was saying, really? I simply shrugged.

The guy wouldn't take no for an answer so I took matters into my own hands.


Xander and I were back at my place. The results came back and they were Chet's. So I was right.

I'm not sure why, but something about him was so off. Most men wouldn't have necessary been thrown off at being threatened, because they wouldn't want to appear weak in front of a woman.

But there was more to it. To him.

What I found in him wasn't much. He lives alone, his father left a shitload of money to him after passing and his mother is currently on her deathbed.

Obviously, he wouldn't be keeping Marianne is his apartment complex.

"Check if his father left behind and land secluded from society." I told Xander.

He knows what to do, but I can't help but order him around. I'm not sure Chet's mother would have as much places to hide someone, since she didn't come from money. We'll still check her out though.

Antonio comes bursting through my front door. A look of determination in his eyes.

"What's this?" I arch my brow at him.

"I'm coming with you to get my sister,"

I laugh dryly. Nothing about this is funny. But it is funny that he thinks he's coming with me.


He glared at me. "She's my sister,"

"And she my wife,"

"You're not married, yet"

"The contract you father singed states otherwise. She's with me, I don't need your help taking back what's mine."

He takes a menacing step towards me. I watch as his features soften slightly.

"I got something Dante," Xander says breaking the silence.

"Just bring her back safe and sound," Antonio finally says.

As much as I want to keep Marianne locked away from the world. I can't. And I sure as hell can't keep her from her siblings.

"That was always the plan."



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