Chapter 10

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   "Mamma, I'm fine," I told my mother for the hundredth time. The day had just started and I woke up to a hundred missed calls from my mother.

"No mamma, he hasn't touched me." To say she was worried would have been an understatement. "No, I don't need you to send Antonio to pick me up." I sighed. I pulled my phone from my ear and then switched the call to a video one prior to my mother's request.

"Ok, sembri tutto intero," she released a sigh of relief. (You look whole)

"Si mamma, sono tutto d'un pezzo." I told her pouring myself a cup of coffee. Inhaling the nutty smell. "Is that all you want to know?" (Yes mamma, I'm all in one piece)

I took a sip of my coffee, placed it on the kitchen island, and leaned over. Resting my elbows on the cold countertop.

"Did you two ... fare sesso?" (Have sex?")


"Che cosa? Is it a crime for a mother to know these things?" (What?)

I rolled my eyes at my mother. Surprisingly she didn't scold me for it, instead, she was waiting for my answer.

"No mamma, we didn't ... have sex." I took another sip of my coffee, trying to hide the blush creeping up my skin.

We did have a heated moment on this very countertop. Which Dante ruined. I would pay so much money to know what went through his head at that moment and why he stopped.

"Okay, I have some last-minute wedding preparations I need you to go through. The bridesmaids' dresses are done and they look perfetto." I listened to my mother as she ranted on and on about the wedding. The wedding which I wasn't in the least bit excited about.

I heard the faint sound of keys jingling. Dante was back. When I woke up this morning he was gone. I'm actually surprised he left me alone but he actually didn't. I saw Xander outback, watching the house like a hawk.

Once he entered the house my eyes immediately met his, like a moth drawn to a flame. Those blue eyes hold so many secrets, that I wish to reveal and drown in the depths of them.

His eyes took me in. And it took everything in me not to shudder under his gaze. 

"I'll talk to you later mamma," before she could say otherwise, I ended the call. "You know your brother is more than welcome to come inside and have breakfast with me." I took a sip of my coffee.

"I'll let him know next time."

I sent a glare his way. He doesn't trust me. Still think that I'll run away. Believe me, I want to but it would be pointless as I've pointed out several times.

"Wow, you don't trust me." I feigned hurt. "This relationship won't work if you don't trust me, my dear fiancé."

Something sparked in Dante's eyes. Before I could decipher what it was, it was gone.

"After all, we are marrying in a few days."

He took a menacing step towards me. Trying his best to intimidate me. It did quite the opposite, it ... excited me. I wanted to know what he would do next. I wanted him to do something, anything. Pathetic, I know. I'm stuck with the man, the least he could do is entertain me.

"The more you speak, the more I want to kiss you. Swallow up all the sounds you make, feel the way my touch makes you react."

And like yesterday, Dante had me trapped. Between him and the kitchen island.

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