Chapter 31 - Bearing a Mark

Start from the beginning

Matthew shifts his face slightly, not wanting to pull away as he presses his lips against mine. One of his hands moving from my waist to the back of my neck to hold me close. His kiss so desperate and wanting. Slow and passionate. It makes me melt and feel even worse for ever doubting him.

I've stopped breathing, letting his tongue relish against mine. His lips so soft and inviting. For a long time, he doesn't pull away—making sure to drown every feeling into his lips. He presses his forehead pressed to mine, telling me softly, "Don't ever leave me again, Mia."

I shake my head, tears rimming my eyes. Goddess I'm so stupid. The look in his eyes tells me everything I need to know, and I shouldn't have let Lila get in my head like that. She brought out a side of me I didn't even know existed. A side of my wolf that I didn't know could be possible.

I let Matthew hold me, his grip tight it almost hurts. Tyler walks by us—wearing a pair of basketball shorts someone must have handled to him. He's shivering slightly from the cold, and I feel guilty. Tyler looks even more tired than Matthew. His body so exhausted he can't even walk properly—almost like his legs might fall off.

"Tyler," Matthew's voice low as his eyes fall on my friend. Tyler freezes, his Adam's apple bobbing as he gulps down. He looks at me briefly—probably afraid of what Matthew might say. He'll probably get scolded at for not bringing me in sooner. Or the fact that I do slightly smell like him despite being rained on.

Matthew's gaze softens, he reaches over placing his hand on Tyler's shoulder, "Thank you."

Matthew's reaction has me reeling. He's always been so hostile towards my friend, it's the first time I've seen kindness towards Tyler. Tyler's entire body relaxes as he smiles softly, "Anything for our Luna, Alpha."

Tyler walks away, River asking him for a quick debrief after handing him a sweatshirt. I do hope he'll get to go to rest soon. I know how much stamina Tyler has—for him to be this exhausted means he really strained himself.

Sage walks up to Matthew and me but Matthew doesn't even budge his grip on my body. She smiles at me lightly, raising an eyebrow. "If you ever evade me again, I'll set up a patrol to keep an eye on you."

I smile at her politely but let myself fall victim to Matthew's warmth. His chest is purring softly, and I can feel his heart beating. It's so peaceful and makes me feel right at home. "I'm going to talk to her," Matthew let's Sage know. Sage seems to understand, nodding and taking Clara's arm.

"Come on Clara," Sage redirects her. "We should leave them."

Matthew doesn't hesitate to pick me up bridal style. He carries me to the passenger side of his G-wagon. Setting me into the seat comfortably and even buckling my seat belt. He kisses my lips again—quickly but just as soft.

Once he's in the driver's seat, I expect him to turn on the car, but he just sits. His hands gripping the steering wheel and eyes planted ahead. His mouth opens and closes like he's trying to figure out what to say. It's the first time I've ever seen him speechless, and it makes the pit of my stomach nervous.

Do you think he's angry with us? I ask my wolf. She doesn't reply. She's completely retreated in my brain fully aware that her panic caused all this. I feel somewhat bad for her because I know it's her instincts to be so easily overwhelmed. I wish I could have controlled her better.

Matthew finally sighs, turning his intense gaze on me. His words slow and purposeful. "I always thought that Romeo and Juliet were dramatic. But Mia...if I lost you...even a vial of poison wouldn't suffice."

My voice is caught in my throat. Matthew reaches for my hand, bringing it to his lips. His eyes hauntingly sad, "Why did you leave, gorgeous?"

I bite on my lip, trying not to sound foolish. I don't want to get upset anymore. I want to be able to control my wolf and not let her emotions get to me. "I overheard you tell Lila you would give her a chance," I tell him quietly. His eyes bearing into mine.

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