Someone's Mistress 2

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Now Hazel had grown up to be a beautiful lady with petty statue, her brown eyes fits just with her flawless skin,her lashes long to the extent it touched just below her eyelids if she closed her eyes and then now she really had to get married because it would be a shame if she didn't. Luckily, throughout the last two years,there hadn't been any abduction or riot between them and the vampires. Her mom,Vivian had actually bought them a bed and they had more properties now,but they wouldn't be classified as an elite, just at the middle.

"Hazel,could you help me at the shop today, I aren't feeling too well" Vivian said

"Alright Mum but have you gotten some medicines"

"No,not at all"

"Should I get some for you?"

"Don't bother, if it continues after today I'll take the medicines"

"Okay,I'll get going then" Hazel gave Vivian an airy kiss on the cheek and left.

At the center market, Hazel was helping in selling the sweaters. The evening came soon and she went back home,but the first thing she saw was her mom on the couch shivering with a blanket on her. She immediately rushed to get the medicines and a bowl of water and a towel. She soaked the towel in the water before placing it on her head as she rushed to the kitchen to prepare what to cook, but she found porridge already. She then scooped a portion and brought it to Vivian so she eat and take the medicines which Vivian did.

"I'll call the doctor mum"

"No need Hazel, I've taken the medicines"

"That's what you said this morning and the fever increased, I'm calling the doctor"

"We Dont have the money to call a doctor"

"I sold some sweaters today so there's some little money"

"Don't worry much, I'm fine and we could use the money for tomorrow's food"

"What about you then"

"With the medicines, I'll be fine in no time,go change your clothes and sleep,lock the doors and windows too"


"And eat,you haven't eaten since you came back"

"I will, just stop shivering"

The clouds were bright in the lands of Bougreve and the birds chirped here and there. Hazel rushed to check her mom's temperature and luckily it had come down

"Told you,I'll be fine by today"

"You still have to rest, I'll take care of the shop today"

"Okay.......I'm hungry,could you get me something to eat"

"Right away mom"

Hazel went to the shop after giving her mom food. The center market was close to the elite town and so car from her house, she took a carriage that took twenty five shillings to get there. The market looked more deserted and less people came to sell or buy
"Why is everywhere looking empty" she said to relles who for sure won't answer"it look liked a riot happened here...but few people are here so there's no need to be scared right?" She walked forward to where the shop was and opened it.

At noon,there was a carriage coming towards the center market,the carriage belonged to the elite and people bowed when it came closer, surprisingly it stopped in front of Hazel's shop and Helios stepped out

"Wow good afternoon Ms Hazel"

Helios looked his early thirties with blond hair,he was average height,just some few inches taller than Hazel, he had a sharp jaw and chin just the perfect face to get girls drooling

"Good afternoon Mr Helios" she bowed to show respect"I never expected your visit"

"Same here,I was expecting your mom but how lucky of me to meet you"

"I'm very privileged to have you at my little shop"

"No problem about that"

"Please do sit as I make you tea"

He went in the shop and sat comfortably waiting while Hazel brought the tea in

"Please may I know what brought you here"

"What brought me here?" he asked while taking a sip"I can't believe Vivian never mentioned anything about me to you" Hazel didn't utter a thing so he continued " I have noticed you ever since we met at the meadows two years ago and I've picked a liking for you....."

"But you have a wife sir" she had interrupted

"Being my mistress will do"

"I'm sorry Mr Helios but I do not want to me one"

"Dont you wanna change your status from a Ms to a Lady"

"I'm okay being a Ms, I wouldn't want to be someone's sixth wife"she said,she didn't use third or fourth cause she knew he had up to four or five mistress already

"Well, I hope you know I don't take 'no' for an answer and I didn't cone to ask for your suggestion, I came to tell you what I've agreed on already"


"You go tell your mum and then decide what day your coming to live with me" and with that statement, he dropped the cup, he sighted relles in his cage"you've got a cute rabbit there" and he left

I'm sorry for the short chapter but hope you all are enjoying the story. I'm not sure when the next update will be. Till then

The Demon's Personal MaidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora