Long lost relative

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Early the next morning at the Decron's mansion. Hazel who realised what day it was jumped from the bed which startled Xavier, Hazel was smiling all the way as she quickly rushed to the bathroom to freshen up. Xavier who finally realised why she was this happy, just chuckled to himself, he laid down back waiting for Hazel and as soon as she came out
"Calm down rabbit, you'll get to see him soon" he said smiling
"I know but I can't wait"
Deep down, Xavier was envious, her smile solely belongs to him but he just let her, knowing that its been long she had saw him. Today was the fifth day since Xavier had sent Lucas to fetch Hazel's dad and they were to return today. Hazel put on a royal silk gown, she wanted to look beautiful to he dad and Xavier helped with her hair
"When did you learn how to pack woman's hair" she asked as he did his job
"The day after you packed into my room when you were my maid"
"I knew one day, I would have to perform it as a husband"
"Husband? We're not yet married"
"But it will happen sooner or later"
"Did you think I won't get married to you, did you think I was joking when I said you were my woman, did you think I'm just playing around with you, did you think I'm not serious with whatever that's going on between us, did you..."
"No I didn't think about all those 'did yous'" Hazel interrupted
"Then why were you surprised when I said 'husband'"
"I didn't just think you'll talk about that this early"
"If you don't want it early, then that's it"
"Its not like that..."
"I understand, there's much going on right now, our wedding will be later when everywhere is much calmer"
"A simple bun fits you more with your baby hairs falling front"
"Like the one I did for Lord Xyle's birthday?" She asked
"Yeah like that" he said remembering it
Collins had to bring breakfast to the room as Hazel insisted in not eating also Xavier had to feed her as her excitement grew too much and she was so eager to meet her dad. Immediately after breakfast, she rushed to the entrance of the mansion waiting for the carriage to come. Xavier just me her be as he went to freshen up also. He had already gotten the maid to prepare a room for Lionel who was Hazel's dad. He had actually wanted him to stay at another place but he figured out it will be too risky. When he was done, he went out to see Hazel. They both saw a carriage come in and Hazel smiled happily while Xavier frowned. This wasn't one of his carriages so who was in it. Hazel went closer to get a better view of who ever was inside and when the carriage door opened, she took some steps back
"What's wrong Hazel" he said
"What are you doing here"
"I should be asking you that, what are you doing here?"
"I changed my mind, I decided to stay"
"And work as a kitchen maid with little wages as compared to my offer. Its been a week now and I've been expecting you but since you didn't come, I came to pick you myself thinking that maybe he stopped you from coming" Jordan said, that's right, it was Jordan who was in that carriage
"As I said, I changed my mind. And I'm no longer a servant here"
"Then what are you here as"
"She's my woman" Xavier said showing himself as he walked closer to where they were. Jordan was dumbfounded, his woman? When were they that close and he had told Xavier about his interest in her and he didn't go against it.
"Your woman?" He asked to confirm
"Yes, my woman"
"But I told you about my interest in her and you were never against it. You didn't say you were interested in her at that time"
"Should I broadcast it to the whole of Borreve"
"No buts, she stays here, this is her home"
Jordan wasn't having it, he thought she was being threatened by Xavier to stay so he said
"Let's do it this way"
"What way" Xavier asked with a raised brow
"Hazel should say herself to ho she wants to be with. The one who showed her care when the other was being hard in her or the one who just want to take advantage of her" he said
"That will be simple" Xavier concluded and turned to Hazel "so who will you choose rabbit, the one who showed you care and has been good to you or the one who wants to take advantage of you" for some reason, the way Xavier had said it meant that he was the one who showed her care and Jordan was the one who wanted to take advantage of her, the direct opposite of what Jordan had meant.
"We are waiting" Xavier reminded giving her a glare that meant 'are you really thinking about your answer'
Hazel gave Jordan and apologetic smile which he really didn't notice and said "the one who showed me kindness"
"Told you" both men said at the same time which started Hazel
"I'm the one she's talking about" both said again at the same time
"No, its me" they said again, this time pointing at themselves. They then turned to Hazel
"Be more specific rabbit, I don't like dragging" Xavier said and before Hazel could say a word, that carriage which carried Lucas arrived and Lionel was the first to step down. Hazel left both men and ran towards her dad to hug him
"Dad!!" She called as she ran. Lionel was also surprised and happy to see his daughter. He opened ha arms wide as they hug for about five minutes before they parted.
"You've grown more beautiful" he said and Hazel blushed, she couldn't help but notice that he also aged much, little grey hair were on his beard and head, the wrinkles by his eyes when he smiled appeared more. "As beautiful as your mum" he continued, Hazel frowned a bit as he mentioned her mum, maybe he didn't know she was dead
"I know about Vivian, don't be moody" he said as if reading her thoughts
"Lead the way and you have to explain how you met with the Lord"
"Sure, let's meet him first" she said and turned to Xavier's direction. It was then she noticed that she had kept both Jordan and Xavier waiting. She then dragged her dad towards Xavier
"I'm sorry, Mr Jordan but I choose Xavier, he had shown me care, you have also and I'm very thankful for that, but I can't reciprocate your feelings"
"There's nothing to be sorry about" Xavier said earning him a glare from Hazel
"I'll be gone then" Jordan said and left immediately. Hazel felt pity for him but just waved it aside and embraced the happiness of finally meeting her dad
"I guess you've calmed down a little" Xavier said to Hazel then he turned to Lionel "Lionel Harlow"
"Yes Milord"
"I'm sure you've been wondering why you've been brought here"
"I was but I'm not anymore as I have seen my daughter"
"You weren't just brought here to see your daughter, there are many other imperative things but first go have breakfast"
"I'll join him for breakfast" Hazel chipped in
"..." Xavier was speechless, wasn't she the one that had refused to eat at first. Hazel followed her dad to the dining to accompany him, Mrs Decron had left for area party at the Boston's mansion, so she wasn't there to ask who Lionel was. Xavier and Lucas left to the drawing room so Lucas could fill him on some things. It took about half an hour for Lionel to be done and then they discussed with Xavier
"As I said, you aren't just here to see your daughter, we three are in some kind of danger and its safe that you are here"
"What kind of danger"
"I'm sure you've heard the rumour of me being a demon" Xavier asked and Lionel was scared to answer but Hazel gave an assuring look
"Yes, I've heard"
"Well, its not just a rumour, its true" he paused "you don't need to be scared, Hazel has been with me for some months now and I haven't hurt her, so I wouldn't do so to you also since you're her dad but I won't hesitate to have your head rolling if you don't keep your mouth shut about what I'm going to explain to you now". This instilled fear in Lionel and he just nod his head to show that he will cooperate. Xavier then explained all that was happening, he also didn't miss to say that Vivian wasn't a human but a dark witch and Hazel was a white witch, Lionel appeared shocked at the revelation, the woman who he had loved was a dark witch? But why didn't she tell him or even hurt him
"There are good and bad witches, I guess your wife was a good one" he explained further how Hazel changed from a dark to a white witch and how she is the only person who can kill him
"The dark witches need a demon for their final sacrifice and I'm the one that want but as I said, I can't be killed by just anyone just Hazel, so they also news Hazel. Now this is where you come in, Hazel is kept safe with me and they are searching for her, so they need a trap to lure her out which is you, her dad, but now you're here, I hope that is settled. But also I just recently found out that, we two are not needed" he said referring to himself and Lionel and Hazel raised her brow in question
"There are two options that the dark witches can use for their sacrifice, either a demon or a white witch with a purifying ability like you rabbit which is even more better than a demon. But to them, all white witches are dead and they don't believe that any can have that ability so they retorted to using me but once they find out that you exist, they'll be solely after you"
"When did you realise this and why didn't you tell me" Hazel asked
"Connor told me about it the first day we went to the church and as to why I haven't told you, it skipped my mind, also remember what I said when you go to the church" he then turned to Lionel "look, its no one's fault you've been forced into all these but your daughter is special and you'll also be getting to see things that you never knew you will ever come in contact with or even existed like dark witches and likely reapers, there are also some problems going on at that side" Xavier had explained all about Elliot and grim reapers to also. Lionel tried to digest all he'd heard, so he had a witch as a daughter, a demon as a soon to be son in-law and a reaper, all will be staying in the same mansion, aside from the fact that there are also vampires, well he was used to seeing vampires since he was a butler at the Adam's mansion.
"Miss me" a familiar voce said by the door of the drawing room and walked to where they were seated, he saw Lionel and asked
"Hazel's dad?" Elliot asked
"Hmmn" Xavier answered "this is Elliot, I've mentioned him before, he's Hazel's reaper but he'll only be her reaper between us and her cousin, your nephew to outsiders, got it"
"Y-yeah" Lionel shuttered
"Lucas will show you to your room so you should go" Xavier said and he stood up to follow Lucas
"You were being harsh" Hazel complained
"He needs to know what he'll be dealing with"
"Even though"
"Your cousin is here, don't you want to catch up" he said ignoring her words "so where were you Elliot, you made my rabbit worried all this while and you also drew attention to her by one of your kind, Dylan, which is not good news to me"
"I'm sorry for that, but I had to leave at that moment"
"He smelt you there. Whatever you do to cover your scent, you have to increase it" Xavier warned
"He suspected me" Hazel said
"I don't want any more reapers on my rabbit's head, there are much problems already"
"Well I heard the bounty has been removed from my head for the main time, Crane is investigating about the case"
"Do you have any suspecting mind" Hazel asked
"Wilson is my main suspect"
"Then track him"
"Its not as easy as that Hazel, Hawnets are powerful, more stronger than grim reapers, even me, forget the fact that I can to some things only a Hawnet can do and they are well surrounded, can't be tampered with"
There was a shirt silence before Xavier spoke
"Now that Elliot and Lucas are back, I'll be leaving for Rivelle tomorrow, they'll both looks after you"
"When will you be back?"
"In two or three days time, Lucas will drop you and pick up from the church and Elliot can come along"
"Sure" Elliot said
That evening, at the dining, Xavier, Hazel, Elliot, Lionel and Mrs Decron were witted
"I really don't understand, is this mansion now a refugee camp that helps just anyone" Mrs Decron shouted
"First, I'm in charge here and I decide who can stay
Second, theses people aren't just anyone, they are Hazel's relative
Third, you do not shout at me"
"Sure and then one day, this mansion will become the Harlow's mansion"
"And who's this one now"
"You should have asked that instead, he's Hazel's dad, Lionel Harlow and he'll be staying here till further notice. I do not want you to cause any form of trouble for him"
"I can't believe vampires now dines with lowly humans" she scoffed. If only she knew

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