Just come drink from me

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They both walked through the forest,Hazel didn't know where they were heading but she just followed. They walked for some distance and Hazel broke the silence.

"I was wanting to let you know something" she said

"What's it"

"I won't be staying long as your maid"


"Cause I have a life to live"

"Which is..?"

"A kind of life a lady can dream of, find my parents, get married,have children..."

"You can get all those even as my maid"


"I found out where your dad is"

"Really, how"

"I'm not a Lord for no reason" he tilted his head to look at her

"Where is he, my dad?"

"At Poelwyth"

"The land that abducted him"


"Is he doing okay"

"Yes, he's a butler there"

She smiled widely "and my mum"

"I can't really say but I guess she died"


"Yes, from what I found out,she was I'll before we brought her and she couldn't keep up"

Hazel suddenly broke down and cried, she cried cause it was actually her fault her mum died,if she hadn't run away to the meadows that day.

Xavier just watched her cry, not knowing what to do cause he hadn't been in a situation where he was to console someone, he then decided to give light pats on her shoulder till she stopped crying.

"You must have loved your mum very much"

"I still love her"

"Sounds good having caring parents"

"Didn't you have"

"I never had rabbit"

"That can't be true milord, all mothers are caring"

"Not all Hazel" he said. Hazel noticed that he called her by her name as his mood changed

"I'm sorry if I said anything I wasn't supposed to"she apologized

"Let's not talk about caring parents then"

She nodded to it and they walked silently for some while again. After some time, Hazel spoke again

"Will you also let me get married"


"But I have to stop being your maid after that"


"It isn't right to be close to another man when your married"

"That doesn't work in my terms"

Back at the mansion, Dorin was with Mrs Decron

"Mum, its true she's staying in his room"


"And he ditched me in her presence"

Dorin wasn't actually Xavier's distant cousin but his stepsister, Mrs Decron child from another man. She was planning on Dirin to marry Xavier so after that they could kill him and take over the land but what they didn't know was that he was a demon

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