The fever

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Xavier changed his clothing to something casual and then went to the garden, it was raining outside so he stayed at the corridor, some minutes later, Hazel arrived

"Its raining milord"

"I noticed"


"Now your punishment is to uproot the weeds in the garden, do not mistake it for the plants"

"But its raining"

"And I said I noticed"


"No buts, get out there and start before I increase the punishment"

Hazel reluctantly walked towards the garden and the minute the drops of water touched her, she froze, it was very cold but she had her punishment to do. Xavier watched her as she did her punishment by pulling our the weeds, she seemed careful as she pulled it off so she wouldn't pull off the good ones.

After some minutes, the ran had already drenched her and her clothes clung to her body revealing her perfect curves to Xavier's view, he stood there watching her as she shivered in the rain. After she was done, she walked back to the corridor, wet and her legs were muddy, it was then Xavier realised that she was bare footed

"You would not want to stain the mopped floor with your legs, would you!"

She looked down at her legs
"I'll t-t-take......I'll w-wa-wash i-it o-o-off" she shivered as she spoke

"You better change your clothes if you don't want to catch a fever" he said as he saw the way she shivered "and next time, you do as I say so you could avoid punishment like this" and he walked inside.

Hazel hurriedly went to the servants quarters and changed her clothes, there wasn't any warm water as servants weren't provided with one, she folded herself under the covers but she kept shivering

The next day, Hazel felt weak and sick, she left to prepare Xavier's bathing water, she had cursed him severally for what he did. Xavier took note of how her hands were shaking when she brought and fed him his breakfast, but he didn't plan on teasing her, he just watched her as the whole time. When she was about leaving, he spoke

"Are you still feeling cold?"

'As you can see, I'm not a vampire that can withstand cold so obviously, yes' she wanted to say out loud but held herself before another punishment may arise

"its nothing sir,I'll just get herbs for it" and she left

Four days passed and Hazel's condition worsened, she felt extra weak and her temperature wasn't helping, she had managed to serve Xavier his breakfast and was about to leave, the whole time she was feeding him, she felt dizzy but tried to control herself but immediately she reached for the door, she fell as she lost consciousness, the last thing she noticed was Xavier running towards her.

When she woke up, she found herself on Xavier's bed in his room and him by her side staring at her

"Your awake" he said

"How long have I been sleeping"

"A whole day"

"A whole day?"she realised her mistake and apologized

" You knew you were sick and you refused to eat" there was no way he knew she wasn't eating except through Collins

"I didn't feel like eating"

"And see where It landed you"

"In your room?"

"Damn it, no, you were running a high temperature but thanks to the doctor it has lessened"

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