Almost Caught

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Later that evening, Xavier met with Lucas to give back the information on what he found

"Milord, we looked around but we didn't find her and besides you didn't give any description on her"

"Okay but keep looking while I tell the witches to cast another location spell because we don't know if she really is from Rivelle or just came for the party"

"Yes, that will be more helpful"

"And then make sure Councilman Jordan Smith stays away from mansion for the main time"

"But he just came from a vacation"

"Send him to another then or better still Poetwyth to work there for the main time"

"Right away Milord"

Xavier went back to the room but he didn't find Hazel there, he turned to the table and found relles missing, he concluded she was at the garden, he just stood by the windows to watch her. She looked cute as she carried relles all around the garden as she picked some carrots for relles. He kept admiring her until he was disturbed by a knock from the door which he opened and saw Lady Dorin

"You left the party early"

"Is it wrong"

"Yeah, I'm your partner and you left me"

"I don't remember asking you to be my partner"

"Who is"


"I can't believe you have a thing for that maid"

"Its none of your business who I fall for, Lady Dorin"

"I'll wait for you to notice your mistake"

"Good luck waiting for nothing then… when are you leaving?"


"I remember you saying you'll leave after Lord's Xyle's birthday"

"I do" she said with her voice very low

"I've sent Lucas to get the carriage ready, I would not like you to keep him waiting for long as I have other jobs for him"


"I'm being very nice, don't test me, you should be thankful your head isn't rolling on the ground already as your mere presence disgust me"

"I…" she started fuming with anger

"… hate you" he interrupted " I know, everyone does"

She left fuming and flaming. The moment she left, he turned back to keep admiring Hazel only to see that she wasn't there any longer

Hazel was admiring the garden with relles, she picked flowers and smelt them, most of the flowers were white roses and she wondered why. Her thoughts went back to hers and Xavier's conversation and her brows furrowed. She thought about the part of his love relationship. She was happy when he said he didn't like Lady Dorin, although he didn't say it directly but she was also worried when he said he had someone he liked already. She had actually started to feel some things for him but with this, she may have to discard theses feeling before they grow into something more.

'There's no way he would fall for a maid' she thought. Someone cleared her throat bringing Hazel out of her thoughts and she saw that it was Mrs Decron, she bowed her head as a greeting

"I wasn't done with you yet that day"

"But I thought the Lord explained to you"

"I want to see by myself and I also want to check your skin"

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