Elliot is Missing

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Back in the land of the living, at the Decron's mansion, its been two days since Hazel went to the church and she had been going every day. It was during the time of the afternoon, a carriage stopped at the entrance of the mansion and both Xavier and Hazel stepped down from it, they had come back early today as Connor suggested.

Collins came almost immediately and greeted while taking their coats. Hazel was still reading the spell book Connor gave her the first day as he said she should start with simpler ones before complex ones and then learning to use the elemental abilities.

Also one thing that was mysterious about those spell book was that, to other creatures eyes that weren't white witches, it looked like cook books. Like the one she was holding, Xavier had told her that the title was 'ONIONS' but to her, it was 'SPELLS ON HEALING'.

According to Connor, the white witches who wrote the book casted a spell on it so it can only be read by white witches, not even dark witches can read it. Also, he had told her that the spells used by white witches were pure and since the dark witches can't access them, they get theirs from dark magic which isn't pure.

They walked into the mansion, Hazel first went to the room to keep the book and avoid any suspicion and then headed to the dining after while Xavier went straight to the dining. Surprisingly, Dorin wasn't there and he concluded that she had left. He had stripped her of her 'Lady' status and he guessed, she was ashamed. It has been two days since Elliot was last seen and it troubled Hazel, she had mentioned it to Xavier but he kept saying

"You worry too much rabbit, he's a grim reaper and can take care of himself"

But Hazel still felt worried, she wished she could use some spells to find him but all she was learning at the moment were healing spells, so it couldn't help. Has Elliot left? Was he done with his job with her? But her life was still in danger as the witches were looking for her, so where was he?

Haze ate slowly while thinking on this and Xavier who noticed this asked

"What are you worrying about rabbit" he asked softly and she raised her head to reply

"The same things i be been worried about since two days now, my cousin" she used the word cousin' because Mrs Decron was there

"And I've told you, he can take care of himself"

"Xavier, you know what I mean, Elliot can't leave like that"

"He'll be back sooner or later" he said and then leaned down to whisper "maybe he's on a break, who knows if you gave him a hard time looking after you" he smirked and Hazel gave him an annoyed look not sparing him a glance any longer until she was done eating and after that she left the dining.

Mrs Decron who just watch their little drama only hoped it was a real fight, and if it was, it should last long. Xavier understood that he had gone far in his teasing, he followed her to the room to see her standing at the other side of the bed with her hands folded, he made his way closer and gave her a back hug

"Did I tease you that much hmmn?" He asked inhaling her scent from her neck


"I'll take that as a yes"


"Come on, I was just joking". He said still sniffing her


"Yeah, for two days now" she answered sarcastically



"Okay, I'll send some guards to search for him"

"You know that's not possible"

"I'll personally search for him then"

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