Attack on Heart Kingdom

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Zane POV

Oh yeah finally i capable to use mana method for my ice magic.Well yeah Amber acted like Klee.. Wistaria able to use three offensive attack in one time while Merlin used for grand chariot.Four of us were at boarder of Heart Kingdom and Spade Kingdom.We knew the enemy will come in with that transport.

"Okay it seem Asta and the others already take down the enemies.What should we do now"Amber asked me.

"So who wanna play with the dark disciple...heheh"I smirked.

"Im going to help Luck.Maybe do some combo attack"Wistaria walked away.

"Im going to help Leopold.Good luck Zane"Amber said.

Only Merlin and I were left.

"Hey Zane,are you sure they gonna be okay because i heard the enemies really use devil power to boost their magic"Merlin sighed.

"Nah dont worry besides we are strong.Now lets go stop that machine before entering Heart Kingdom"I smiled.

"Ice magic:Ice wall"I slammed my hand on the ground

My ice wall detained the enemy transport.I exhausted bit but i didnt mind.I went into the enemy transport and saw Asta Noelle and Mimosa took care on the hostages.Asta noticed me and he was happy.He ran and hugged me.I hugged him back

"Zane,you become more stronger than before and look more cute"Asta giggled

"Thanks Asta.So how the hostage.Where the enemies"I asked him

Asta explained everything to me.Yeah i was angry.

"Merlin,put the enemies in that machine"I said coldly.

Asta,Noelle and Mimosa were curious.Merlin understood so he gather all ko enemies and put them into the generator machine ..

"So you guys treat your own people by sucking their mana to move this vehicle huh"I started the generator

The enemies yelled in pain as their mana being pulled out by force.The others just speechless except Merlin.Asta looked at me.I just sighed.

"They need to feel what the hostage feel."I sat on the floor.


Okay dont worry about your village.This place already being put magic barrier.With my spirit and undine magic..this one is unbreakable.Besides you still citizen of Spade Kingdom"I smiled.

The hostages thanked me.Dang i used my lot mana to setup barrier.Wistaria and Amber reported to me that they managed to take down the enemy by communication device.Leopold told me that Amber really alike his big sister but more murderous.He told that Amber tortured the enemy with fire whip.

"Geesh Amber,thats dirty hahah "Merlin laughed.

" pain no gain"Amber said before cut off communication.

"I finally can use meteor know what i mean"Wistaria smirked

"Holy that cool.How the enemy"I laughed.

"Already knockout."Wistaria said

I looked to the skies.All Dark disciple already taken down but the next part gonna be worst.Asta already return to Clover Kingdom.Noelle and Mimosa returned to Loropechika castle.

"Hey Zane,what your next move."Merlin asked me.

"Theres gonna be explosion.So that's why we learn mana method.I already discuss with Amber and Wistaria..,"I smiled.

Merlin nodded

"Merlin do whatever it take.Protect this village whatever it cost.Im going to help Asta."I said.

"Very well.I know what you going to do.Just be careful.We deal with devil not human"Merlin smiled.

"Tundra slash"

I landed beside Asta and Captain Yami.Two of them suprised with my sudden appearance

"No time to chit chat.This guy got fully regeneration magic plus gravity magic.Asta i want you cut as much as you can.Captain Yami we gonna do mana zone together"I explained.

Asta and Captain Yami nodded.I then plunged forward and started slash Dante attack.Dante angry and sent me a big stone towards me.

"Lucifero!!Hiyarghh"I stabbed my ice blade to his heart.

Dante yelled angrilly and started to become monster.I plunged back as being hit by some impact.Asta yelled on me.

"Just slash Asta!!"I knelt

Asta yelled angrily and cut Dante as much as he could.I looked on Captain Yami and he seem focus on his mana zone.

Mana Zone :Mana method:IceDome"I surrounded the circle runes in big scale.

Asta seem suprised.I winced ok that lot mana to do.Captain Yami and Asta do combo attack and the managed to defeat Dante.I knew what would happen....I then rushed towards Captain Yami and thrust my hand on his abdomen.Asta abd Captain Yami gasped.

"No need to worry..i planted some my mana on you on healing"I smiled

Suddenly Zenon came aside Yami and stabbed me and him.I yelled in pain as the bone magic thrust into my body.Dang Dante was so fast!!.I knew he just wanted Captain Yami.Dante then threw me away and i hit on the rock.

"Zane!!Captainn!!"Asta yelled.

I coughed blood.Dang it.Yeah everytime i tried to change timeline..i being hurt too Im was getting to use it.I smirked as i already put healing spell..that will make slower and maintain Captain Yami magic.


My injured already being healed by Owen.I managed to prevent Asta going berserk so he can unlock his full potential.

"Zane why are you so stupid huh.You always make me worry.I dont want lose you."Asta told me in tear

"Asta,im okay.We need to figure out how to safe Captain Yami and Captain William"I smiled.

"How!?.They use devil power.They are .."

I without hesitation kissed Asta lips made him kept quiet.

"Listen up Asta.You also a Devil user.The special is you got Anti Magic Devil.Dont be stupid if they can use the Devil so you can use too"I said.

Asta nodded.

"You are here right.I know you here Vice Captain Black Bull..Nacht Faus"I sighed.

The guy in black cloak appeared in darkness shadow from the floor and just smiled to us.I groaned as i had already changed the plot..but need to be fixed.

"It seem your mana sensory quite impressive Captain Zane.You seem knew lot bout devil host didn't you"said Nacht to me.

I smiled bit.

"I made research and investigation about devil.Think logic,if one can cooperate with guardian why not with devil right"I smirked.

"Good grief.So you know about my plan right"Nacht said.

"Yes.You will train Asta till he master his devil form.Do whatever you want just dont kill him"I laughed.

Asta whined.Nacht seem understood.

"Zane that mean i will leave you again.I dont want to leave you like this"Asta began to cry.

I looked at Nacht and he understood.He left two of us.

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