"Are you two rats aware of the rules. Should you beat me and the other one the winner gets their freedom." Amal teased. "Yes meus Rex." They said in unison Ethan gulping. Eric smiling beyond happy to see his father finally get what he always had coming to him. "Ezrah on your command." Amal shouted. "Ezmena, Ethan you may use any weapon available to you or on your person. You may use any weapon on any other person. It is full range. Do you understand the rules?" "Yes." They again said in unison.

"Began." Ezrah shouted. Amal walking slowly to them taking off his middle shield armor around his waist along the way. Leaving him in the Criss cross leather shaped X type of shirt. Getting closer to both who were now starting to charge him together like any smart opponent would do he takes off his shoulder protection ducking and sliding to the right to dodge both of their sword attempts. Turning quickly to dodge the other back lash of Ezmena's sword. They were both coming strong swinging their swords and daggers. Amal managed to bend their wrist quickly taking the weapon and flinging clear across the arena. Ethan getting to his feet quickly he managed to get a few good jabs in hand-to-hand combat.

Ethan was holding his own taking the blows a lot harder than he was giving them. Until Amal hit him so hard he dropped him to his knees. Tired of dealing with the man in front of him he quickly came up behind and snapped his neck quickly breaking faster than it took to blink. Emmitt, Julian and Tessa sitting up straighter in their chairs almost in shock as fast as he moved the only other people who moved that fast was the blue-eyed demons and there was no way possible that could be. Amal was looking up to Tessandra looking her in the eyes with a slight smirk. His beast was finally starting to show and he needed to make sure he wasn't losing her out of fear just yet. Looking straight into his eyes Tessa sent him a small smile and nod.

Smiling to himself he had her approval he moved quickly out of the way for Ezmena to land her and her sword straight through Ethan's body cutting him clear in half. "You will feel what my two mothers have felt. You slit their throats and tore them to pieces. You slaughtered your friend, your queen. You will pay." Amal told her. "I was doing as meus Rex commanded. I was following the orders of the crown. I took care of the traitors to the crown." She argued back pointing her sword to him. "You failed to come forward when I offered the deal to the people to come forward. You knew the price." He argued pointing his finger back at her.

"Did my son tell you the story of how it happened too while he was selling out his own mother. It was me meus Rex who got him to agree to be a part of all this. It was I who helped in getting your prized possession here after all this time. I was the one who helped Jedikai kill Lalo to get her here in the first place I've been nothing but loyal since I came when you was a boy I have done my duty and I have done it with pride. If this is what I get for it I would still do it all over again for you meus Rex, and meus Regina, because this is the world I believe in, the world I wish to leave behind for my son." Ezmena said as he started to attack Amal. She was something fierce to behold as she fought him it was almost as watching a graceful dance until Amal finally got ahold of her arm.

It took one good tug from the mountain-built man of Amal to have it completely ripped off her body. Her screams echoed loudly into every ones core. Trying to raise her sword with her other arm she quickly swung her leg contacting Amal's face however he caught the other leg before it touched the ground. With another swift tug on the leg opposite of the missing arm he ripped it also from her body. Falling down to the other good leg. He came quickly grabbing the other arm yanking it from her body. As her screams kept going louder he grabbed her last leg yanking it also from her body. She was now lying limbless on the ground. He looked her still in the eyes.

"Your head will still see things minutes after being detached from your body. So I will take your head just so you can see me rip your heart straight from your chest I need you to know how it feels." Amal said tilting his head to her in amusement. Her eyes grew wide. He quickly took her own sword and cut off her head and placed it next to him so she could see as he took his bare head and shoved it through her chest yanking her heart out quickly crushing it in his hands and shoving it in her own my mouth as he dropped her head back on the floor. Emmitt staring down at the sight of his mother's body in pieces. He thought he would be offended. Anger, guilty maybe even staring down at the scene in front of him he felt nothing. Not one thing he wasn't numb he just held no empathy for either of the people scattered in pieces down there he felt nothing.

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