Chapter 20

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" So that's it everything. What do you think?" Emmitt said. "I think we should take his advice but follow with caution. I can't say for sure because I have yet to meet him in person but I think he's telling the truth. I feel bad about what your mom has done to him though." Tessa said looking down not sure what else to say about the situation.

"It's ok. Ok, well even though I don't want you anywhere near him just yet we will play it by ear. I already sent Meeko back to Riley so they can stay in the loop. I'm sure Ben will send another one back out but if they don't than that just means there's no new to tell. So we are off to the other village and back to training we will just keep our eyes and ears more open and be more aware of the things around us." Emmitt said.

"OK. Do you think maybe you should stop and ask Rylon about your mom. I mean like any little things to look out for any certain tricks or traps she may leave behind. Maybe question just how desperate she is to get to us?" Tess asked as she finished gathering her things to head out. "If it will make you feel more comfortable I can swing back in there real quick and ask him there is something I wanted to ask real quick also before we head out. Why don't you get Gabe and make sure we all get enough water before we head out and I will meet you at the East way out, with the group and the horses." Emmitt said giving her a good kiss before they went out to their duties.

Walking back in the hut he looked up to see his son looking down at him sitting up not moving much letting his body heal in peace. "Hey kiddo." Rylon said with a small smile. "Hey, I wanted to ask you a couple things real quick. Well Tessa and I wanted to ask you a couple things." Emmitt said scratching the side of his neck with his finger. "Ask away, son." Rylon said still looking at him softly. "Tessa wants to know If there is any certain traps or tricks that we need to look out for that mom can leave behind that maybe we should be looking out for?" Scratching the back of his head as he continued.

"Maybe a way to know if they are setting up traps like we do?" Emmitt asked curiously. "Well, there is no distinct way she sets anything up. Your mother is very craft and tries to never be repetitive in traps or things of that nature because it's only when you get too comfortable is when you make mistakes. Ezmenia was always very careful to set things up so you would never find it unless someone pointed it out. A trait you got from what I hear. Sorry kiddo, I have no real answer for that." He said with a sad voice.

"I have a question for myself." Emmitt said coming a little closer leaning on a support beam. "Go on." Rylon said. "You said you were watching me but Amal can't how were you able to do this? Can they see inside the tribes?" Emmitt asked getting nervous. "No. No one back in that mountain is able to see anywhere in the tribes or villages. However the spies in Atheo can be activated and their eyes will show the monitors what they see as they see it. They can also hear everything. If Amal's team really wanted to flip on complete control they could even program the brains of the victims to say and do what they want to but they never have and I don't think they ever will."

"They already know the mission they are on. So no one ever took that step it was never needed no one ever fought back mentally. I was able to see you guys from my spy at Atheo. I have one personally. It took a while to convince him and I had to save a bunch of people to get him to understand what it was I was trying to do. I just wanted to protect as many as we could. Especially you son. I am so sorry. Any way my man in Atheo was able to get me to see your progress. On a secret little thing no one else not even he saw. Rylon said as he smirked.

"Are you ever going to let me meet the future mother of my grandchildren or are you still on the fence about me?" Rylon asked with a chuckle. "I think I will keep her out of arms way for a bit longer. I will do anything I can to keep her safe. Who was your spy inside Atheo? What device did you receive to be able to see all you did?" Emmitt asked as he was getting ready to walk out the Hut. "Just between us?" Rylon asked with a serious face. "Yes." Emmitt said making a silent promise. "Ben. Ben was helping me with a very small bird as quiet as a humming bird and even smaller. Eyio was his name he's still floating too. Only answers to me or you."

Through the eyes of a StrangerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora