Chapter 16

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Tessa's training team was standing around answering all the questions from Circle. Making the game plan to invite more of the other tribes warriors and other for training just for at least for two days. The next steps after that would be to spend another day with Ira's people. Than to have Tessa spend a week getting the rest of treatment and taking it easy going through her parents work and journals and figuring out if she can work out all the formulas to recreate or fix what their looking for. Luca made sure to remind everyone she was still under their care and the process still needed to done to keep up their part of the treaty and something her body still needs to under-go.

"I'm glad that you brought that up because it has also come across that maybe Julian spend two full days with her before he goes back to Atheo for a few days. I know we have a tight ship schedule going on here but I do believe that his presence is helping along." Abriel said. "It had been noticed that Julian being has jumped the process on its own level and naturally for that matter maybe we should rethink his leaving and have him stay here.I think it might just be as important to have Julian with her as well as either Emmitt or Luca. "Zayne said Cato agreeing.

"I think it's best if Julian goes back liked planned and we can accomplish these things as soon as possible one week apart won't hold back the process. It could be proven that working on the treatment and keeping him at bay and then seeing him again after some time like the way it worked the first time. May even give more positive results. Like when we do the same experiment and try to the same thing at least three times to see if we can recreate the same results." Malik offered. "All in favor of recreating the same results and staying with the plan." Malik said raising his hand. To see Luca, Ira, Piers, Kai and Tahlia. "All opposed." Zayne said. Abriel, Zayne, and Cato raised their hands. "It's settled we will stay with the plan already set in motion however Abriel makes a strong point Julian will stay two full days with Julian and returning in the evening with her main healer to reinsure her bodies safety. Well we have our tasks and I think it's best if we break off to it." Tessa felt awkward.

"I really don't like to think I'm to spending two days with him." Tessa said with a little bit of aggression. "I know but just remember we did agree to this beforehand and we both know that deep down this is good for you and your wellbeing. At the end of the day you will be right where you belong. It's just two days you got this, plus you know Julian he is still your friend and you guys were making some great process a week ago right?" "Yeah I guess you're right. Alright well I guess I'll get to it I'll see you later."

"I'll be the guy with a warm bath waiting for you at the end of the night." Emmitt said with a wink. Tessa blushed redder than she's ever turned. Julian walked up to her with a deep smile. "Hey Jared and Addie are going to be with us today in the training process. It'll be just like old times.' He said hopeful and smiling from ear to ear. Jared and Addie smiling too. It was clear that they were actually excited to get some alone time with her like old times. Maybe Emmitt was right this could be great for her. Maybe this is what she needs.

After showing many tribe members how sparing with a shadow and Tentoria and using their guns. Julian made sure to be Tessa sparring partner. It made his whole day being able to run his hands on her again just like when they were training when they were dating. Jared and Addie was staying back to answer some questions some of the teens had about weapons. Julian and Tessa decided to run and grab some plates for lunch and wait for them. "That was fun." Tessa said admitting to Julian that there time wasn't as bad as she was anticipating.

"You don't have to sound so surprised." Julian said as they both laughed a little bit. "Look I know how reluctant you were about being forced to spend time with me especially lately. I haven't been a very good person but that's going to change I swear I'm trying really hard to get my mind right. It is difficult with everything we've ever known or been trained for. Well everything except the war skills being like half a waste of time. Being in a place that has completely changed everything including us. I swear I am changed it's just hard for me to show it but I am trying harder."

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