Chapter 10

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"Tula how much further?" "It's just down there." Tula answered pointed down the hill, both exhausted. "I must warn you. My tribe will not accept you. You will have no warm welcome. However with our brave story, they may let you go into the woods alive." "Well at least there's always a silver lining. I survived an attack from corrupted soldiers, running through in the woods filled with all kinds of mutated crazy ass animals to. I might be breathing tonight. All in All could be worse." Addie joked. "I appreciate everything you have done for me. I'm very sorry that this is happening to you well happened to us."

"My job is to help people and keep them safe by all means. There was no way in hell I was leaving you there. We're not all like that ya know. Seems we've got traders inside our walls." "Well at least one thing we have strong in common is the common enemy. The Tentoria." "Tentoria? Been a long time since I studied Latin that means soulless right? I've been hearing that term a lot." "This was, I'll explain." After Tula finished explaining who they were and the things they do and have done.

How they got here the only thing no one has been able to answer is the why. As they approached the gate to Tula's village. Voices in an unrecognizable language are loud as some people come rushing towards her with weapons pushing Addie to the ground yelling at her. Addie not fighting back trying to prove she is not a threat. Tula pleading with them to standing down in front of Addie. "Stand up." A man told her. Lucky for you there is a new law among the tribes. Your body will be examined if you pass. Well we'll just see from there." He said in cautious voice.

"Alright, My name is Adelyn Meyers. Call me Addie I'm searching for someone." Addie replied. "Pass the exam and we'll answer your questions Addie." After the other men dragged her into a hut and looked through as the have to check for signs of shadows or Tentoria, she was dismissed to go speak with their leader. "My name is Micha Leader of the Roshan villages. I hear you betrayed orders of your people so Tula could come back to us. Why would you do that?

"I disobeyed no orders. My job was to question a captive found in the woods and then to get her medical attention and take her home in one piece. The people who attacked her and attacked us is not my people. But I believe a common enemy. Not all those with blue eyes are corrupted. Just the ones that have strayed away from the mountain or never made it to us in our lands back to Atheo. Tula was abducted almost a year ago I am a soldier for my people we took an oath to help people all people any kind it's what my leader has train us to do. I will not dishonor her now and leave an innocent young girl with those monsters in our clothing."

Addie replied back calmly. "How brave you are young soldier not many can take on a fight with a shadow and still breathe. Rather foolish but respectable. What are you doing here?" "I promised Tula I would bring her home safely. I keep my promises." "I can see that." Micha smiled nodding his head along with his words.

"What do you expect to do now? That you cannot return straight to Atheo? "Well sir, I'm actually looking for my leader she is our chief of all soldiers of our entire village from the sky ship to Atheo and anywhere we are in between she's the leader of us warriors. She's also my best friend she crashed in pod almost a year ago around these lands. We've been looking ever since." Micha starred at her blankly.

"What is the name of this woman whom you seek?" "Tessandra Alderman. Our Tessa." His face grew with a smile. "We know your friend in fact we share your friend with you. How do you we know you will not betray her?" "I fell from space. Got set up with the man I am to marry to be betrayed by my crazy ass clan just to make sure she is ok and still breathing she is more like my sister. I would do anything for her. I have pictures. Here." Addie pulled out at least five pictures of her and all their friends together grouped and all shots through different stages and ages of their lives. "Very well, Tess is fine she is being a well honored guest of the Roshan, Declan and any other tribe smart enough to listen to her and make peace. You will be brought to her them in a day or possibly two time. Not a moment before.

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