Chapter 6

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They made their way to the village. Tessa gave her morning greetings as they received from others. Chloe gave her fruit. "Nothing will be appealing today. First few days are the hardest on the stomach. I wish you comfort as much as possible." "Thank you Chloe." She put on a confident smile but in reality she was nervous. Tessa was scared to wake up she was scared she would not like what she would find down this road. Taking a deep breath walking into the 'experimental tent' exhaling slowly and went in. Emmitt realized she was nervous. Even though she held her chin up and head held high being as strong as she can this whole time. He found it nice to see other emotions it was saddening knowing what she was about to go through. "Good morning. I trust you slept well. "Luca greeted.

"Good morning!" Came a cheerful voice. "Tuca, did not expect to see you here." Tessa said surprised. Emmitt caught off caught starring at everyone. "The first procedure is simple and easy. The second part you will need help and possibly need to be restrained for your own protection. You after all are a strong warrior and should you get stuck in a memory that may be less than pleasant... well we just want to ensure the safety of everyone." Luca said rubbing the back of his neck trying to explain the situation without being offensive. "It is not personal dear."

"I understand I would be heartbroken if I hurt anyone here. It's nice to have another friendly face in here for support. Thank you Tuca for your help." "Figured with all the discomfort and pain you may go through at least my presence will give you something pretty to look at and hopefully distract you a bit." Tuca grinned winking at Tess. "Let's begin before Tucas big head sucks up all the air out of the room." Emmitt teased.

After a good laugh Luca was first to speak. "First we will place these needles inside your pressure points of your body and other little spots. This will open certain channels in your body. You can also learn how to center yourself which may help the unpleasant memories. We will insert the needles and leave you alone for some time, than we will explain the next step of the day. We will need some time to prepare.

Tuca will be outside the door over there should you need anything." They placed her long thin needles all over her from her arms, legs, head, neck, feet, thighs and her chest while laying on her back. We will leave you know now and be back soon. You need to keep your mind clear and just breath listen to everything around the wind through the trees the feeling of life around you place yourself in a balance and tune everyone out but breath and just be in the moment."

"Here just in case." Emmitt said placing a fresh cup of water within reach should she need it. She smiled in gratitude. The men left the room, here goes nothing she thought to herself. "Send for us should anything happen." Emmitt said sternly. Luca and Emmitt hopped on the horses. "Where do you ride if I should need you?" "To Kai we won't be long just short trip for the serums we will for the next step we are short and he has them to spare."

"Ride with luck and speed my friend for shadows are asleep." Tuca answered back. They turned and rode North East. Tessa laid there looking around and observing the room with her eyes to anything visible to her. Well she thought to herself ok time to turn the brain off. And the ears on. It did not take long or much to tune the world out. She was lost in a day dream. Suddenly she was in a room. A man with blonde hair leaned forward on a long soft brownish white couch to kiss a light brown-haired woman who was laughing at him. Her smile so contagious even Tessa smiled. With just a blink of an eye she was in another room shaking hands with a blonde hair girl young kid helping her pick up her books scattered all over the floor. Next she was fighting no she was training like with the warriors except she's a young kid.

Suddenly glimpses started moving faster and faster like watching a movie in fast forward in her head. From her loading a gun to taking it completely apart quickly. To her touching a dark-skinned man's cheek with tears floating in his eyes threatening to all. "You're ok?" She heard her own voice say. Looking down to her abdomen wound and getting a sharp pain in her neck. "NO!" "NO!" she yelled as she shot up breathing heavy looking around her quickly looking to her stomach scared of the phantom pain of what she just saw. "It's ok, it's ok. You're alright. I got you. You're with us. Breath Tess." Emmitt said calmly and soothing her out. "Oh... oh" She breathed deeper calming her chest down so she could breath and a steadier pace. Letting out a sigh of relief. She looked over her body to find the needles have all been removed.

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