Chapter 28

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It wasn't even sunrise and Tessa was already in the labs and Emmitt was walking at the same time she was shocked at both of them arriving same time made them smile and laugh. "Apparently great minds think alike my great Chief." He smirked making the guards chuckle as well. Emmitt stopped them at the door. "Your Regina as you call her get anxious with people watching over her shoulder so unless you know some things about computer science and or chemistry I suggest you stand guard right here. Once sun rises please send for a light breakfast something easy for the stomach as she is still on the mend." Emmitt pointed to the men who nodded in agreement. "Should we gather one for you as well? Would it not ease her more to eat with her friend, and not have someone wait or watch her?" Mateo asked scratching the back of his neck.

"If you believe this to be so than do it." Emmitt shrugged walking back in. "There is no one here. Let's work fast." She told him going through the computer data base as he started altering the formulas to reverse what they were trying to do. Emmitt being quite the artist could mimic anyone's hand writing so he manipulated the journals and changed what the own scientist had done. It wasn't until after noon that anyone made their own way into the lab. "We're sorry meus Regina we wanted to give you some time to acquainted with everything here. However we do need to get to work as well and we were just so excited to get to work with you." A man spoke up a little nervous with a small group of other men behind them and two women with drinks and plates of food.

"I'm sorry meus Regina but meus Rex is insistent about you both taking a break and a meal. You did miss breakfast." The young girl stuttered out. "Well I believe you are right. My apologies to you all. Please get back to work and thank you for the food. So thoughtful you are." Tessa said as she smiled deeply to them. Emmitt thanking them with a smile too. Hidden in their own little corner. "Emmitt stop." Tessa said. "What is it?" "Our plates look exactly the same why do they smell different you can barely smell it but there is a difference." "There's no way to tell which one is been tampered with and what it will do." Emmitt said as his foot quietly dug a whole to toss half their plates in and cover it up.

"Emmitt wait." She whispered rubbing her necklace calling Eyio. Her eyes pointing to a paper that was left out. "That's the circle, that's medic unit. That's a trap." He said looking it over without touching it. "My friend take picture and pass the message to keep our people out of the medic unit." "We have everything to reverse it, surely it wouldn't make a difference?" Emmitt questioned her. "What if they change it to something more permanent. We will never really know what will be in their best to avoid entirely since we don't know what else little surprises may await there." She added only for him to agree and nod.

"The food did not sit well with Regina she wishes to lay down until the challenge." Emmitt said to the one of the young girls who were waiting for the food and was assessing Emmitt when her eyes widened. "Meus Regina is ill from the food. She ate only half?" She asked in concern making Tessa and Emmitt both alert by this. "Yes but don't worry I drank the entire drink hopefully with a quick lay down I will be fine soon." Tessa said holding her stomach faking sick. "Oh goodness of course I will go down to the medic unit and see if maybe we have something to soothe your stomach." The other girl rushed out getting ready to leave the tent in a hurry.

"No, no need. It's probably just something that didn't sit well. Emmitt and these fine friends here can help me back to the room and if I am in need of any help Emmitt would be more qualified than anything to examine me. Thank you for the meal any ways." Tessa said as she gestured to Sebastian and Mateo to head with her both blushing as she called them her friends. The two girls looked at each other and then ran off to try to explain their best to best to Amal what has happened.

"You two sit here while I examine Tessa real quick and make sure she is truly alright than you can have a man take me to Julian in his tour." "We will see to it she has her privacy." Mateo agreed turning to stand guard as Sebastian called for another one to grab someone who was free to escort Emmitt to where he needs to be. "Clearly they meant to poison you dear my love." Tessa said wrapping her arms around his neck.

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