Chapter 13

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"So what's going on?" Tahlia asked sweetly as they all sat in a circle with Tessa standing in the middle as Julian and Emmitt not standing too far behind her. "Julian proposed to me on my birthday. I remembered ... and for a couple days my brain has been hell bent on being focused on that day. I couldn't figure out why until last night. I had been searching for a box. See one on the ship or just in our culture in general you become a citizen at a certain age like when the village recognizes you as an adult instead of a child. Anyway the orphans of the ship like myself get can claim all their families belongings on or after their twenty-first birthday." Taking a deep breath as the those words stung for a moment.

"My parents had a box, a very important box that if I remember right was full of little different types of viles and or other things. My dad told me when I asked what the box was as a child. He picked me up and said that it's our future. Our future was in it. After Julian's dad and the other guard raided my home turned it upside down the box disappeared so did my parents it's never been found or seen again. I think that is what our enemy is after?"

Tessa turned her head to Julian. "Julian your dad was after it too that night on my birthday he made it out to be a personal mission to be in the room when I collected and went through their things. He was after it too. I was searching for it that night and I didn't realize it until now. I have reason to believe that there are two boxes not just one. I also now believe the reason I didn't find it was because it wasn't there." "I don't understand if it wasn't left for you there. Where else could it be?" Ira questioned. "Here. Somewhere here. I didn't get that far yet." Tess said sadly. "But you think there is two of these mysterious boxes?" Cato asked confirming her theory.

"Yes, well more like two places it could be and we need to find it before someone else does. I actually think I know where it is but it just hasn't unlocked itself yet. I know this all sounds crazy and it's not really anything to go on but." "It sounds like your mother." She was cut off. "She was a lot of things but crazy wasn't one of them." Malik finished after cutting her off. "We believe you. What do you suggest we do though if you can't remember where or so-called future is?" Abriel inquired.

"Well we need everyone to keep training for combat and of course weapons and we definitely have to improve on the weapons and training. While Julian and I go back to Atheo and start our end there it is important for them to know of the things going on so we can bump up our numbers and start weeding off the snakes. I would like Emmitt and Luca to come with us." Luca looked to Emmitt and smiled. Emmitt looked blankly deep down he was shocked at this plan that seemed to come out of nowhere but fully detailed, he had on his best poker face. "Agreed. I think it sounds like a smart plan. What say you Luca, Emmitt? Tahlia asked proudly looking over at her leaders.

"We would be proud to represent our lands." Luca said kindly. Emmitt just nodded in agreement. "I have a request also for hopefully you all to think over." Tessa asked. "What would that be dear." Cato asked kindly. " If we are successful and when this war is over. If I chose to can I please live here and be a part of you. Not until my memory comes back but until I'm old and gray." Tessa practically begged asking full of fear. "If you so choose and survive all this you will have more than earned your way among us and no matter what happens in between now and then you will be welcomed here until your last breathe." Tahlia said.

While all the others smiled and nodded in agreement than they left. "May I speak with you for a brief moment." Julian grabbed Tess aby the arm leading her ways from the big hut before she could answer. "If your successful? You're really think of leaving us?" He asked painful hurt was proved in his eyes. "Are you sure you think can really let us go? Jared, Addie, Kylie, Connor, Derek, Riley,... Me? I know your memory isn't fully returned yet right now but you will remember us fully eventually. I don't want you to do anything you might regret later. This is a big decision to make right now."

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