Chapter 20-Plan Failed and Explanation

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*Devon's POV*

I made a rocket (use your imagination people!) that would fly to the boat. hopefully it would go somewhere where it won't hurt or kill anyone. to be honest, I just want my Brianna back.

*Brianna's POV*

Connor and I were going to some vlog session when I saw someone or something land probably about 10ft away from where we were sitting. "Hey I'm going to go to the bathroom, be back soon" I kiss his cheek and head toward the flying thingy. I approach the contraption. it had the shape of a rocket and some things attached to it. explosives? why would someone put explosives on the boat? there was a timer on it that said 01:15:47 it would take us enough time to get away from the explosion. I throw it over bored and go back to sit with Connor. "hey, what took you so long?" I gave him a look signaling it was that tine of the month. "ohhhh, well don't get mad at me when I steal some of your food" he laughed.

~1hr Later~

I heard an explosion near the boat, we should be far from the explosives by now right? Connor and I were in our dorm watching some of the tv that they had. "Connor did you hear that?" I asked him, trying to act like I didn't know "ya I did, did something hit the boat?" he looked worried. "i hope not, Connor im scared" I say holding onto him. "don't be. I bet everything's going to be fine" he puts his arm around me and squeezes my shoulder. I snuggle into him, inhaling his scent. soon the boat started rocking everyone please stay calm, make your way to the main deck i started to panic. Connor and i ran out of the room and to the highest point of the main deck. since now the boat was sinking. i have a feeling someone did this to the YouTube race (IMAGINATION!)

*Devon's POV*

The plan half worked. it blew up the boat but i guess it got thrown over bored. at least it still worked. but if they survive, how will I explain this to them? I will find out a way, but I gotta break up with Valiry. 1. I could say that I cheated or 2. I could just tell her its over and have her hate me. I guess tell her the truth, she was kind of a slut anyways, she cheated on me and I forgave her every time. time to giver a taste of her own medicine.

Valiry, its over I cant do this anymore~D

she replied almost instantly.

Whatever you man whore, go to someone else. I honestly don't give a fuc*!

I didn't reply, there was no need to. I blocked her number after that. I don't want to deal with her anymore she's out of my life. for good.

*Brianna's POV*

"what do we do?!" I yell. "the life boats!!" some random person yelled. I saw people gathering near the edge of where the life boats are. Connor and I and 4 other people. I think it was Meghan (strawburry17), Joey, Jenn and Ricky. the boat dropped and we were heading away from the sinking boat. we headed to where the boat was traveling from. (the opposite way the boat was heading) hopefully we will find land of some sort. "do you know what way to head?" Jenn asked Joey. "if we head the same way he boat came, we can hope that we will find home land" Jenn nodded and layed back in the boat. "I grabbed a box while running, it looks like it has 3 blankets, a weeks supply of somewhat frozen food and three large-ish cases of clean water" Meghan thought for a moment. "we only have three blankets correct?" she asked Ricky. Ricky nodded in response. "that means we need a partner for each blanket" "Connor and I can share one" I say. "ya so can I and Jenn" Ricky stated. I gave Ricky a look saying 'tell me everything later'. he nodded. "we cant communicate with anybody. I think we all forgot our phones" Jenn said. everyone agreed. "Joey, sit down there's wind we can tie a blanket to one of these poles and have you rest so you don't get dehydrated" Meghan said. we gave Meghan confused looks. how did she know all this stuff? "what? I needed a course in high school!" we all laughed. it was quiet after that. "so what do we do until we find land?" Ricky asked. "well I can do what I do best and sleep. it looks like its getting dark" I say. everyone agrees. joey gets the blanket down from the pole and goes up beside Meghan throwing the blanket around him and her. same goes for Ricky and Jenn. Connor gets a blanket from the box and pulls it over us. "Connor?" I whisper. "mhmm?" "will we ever get saved?" "of course we will. people will be wondering where a boat full of famous youtubers are if they don't return" he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. "goodnight Connor" I whisper. "goodnight beautiful" I hear before falling asleep.

*Sarah's POV*

I was sitting on the couch with Kian and Alex watching some dating show. it was like these people with disabilities who find dates with people who also have a disability. it was cute. "I should go put Alex to bed, be right back babe" I say and kiss his cheek. before I leave the room I hear the news interrupt the tv show. breaking news! the boat that supposedly has world wide famous Youtubers, has crashed. reports say that an explosive must have exploded near the boat causing half the ship to sink. the youtubers are where-abouts in the waters near the Bahamas. searchers are on their way to find the survivors my eyes go wide. the boat that my best friends were on crashed and they could be dead or alive. Kian has the same expression and comes toward me. tears are now filling my eyes and starting to spill. Kian gives me a hug and tells me that he is going to put Alex to bed. I agree and I go to our room and just lay there, staring at the ceiling until Kian comes in and lays down beside me. his arms draping around my body. "what if their dead? what would we do?" I say. "they would want us to carry on with our lives. we would miss them of course. but we did live without them for a period of our lives. so I guess it wouldn't be as different" tears were in his eyes too. "it would be different Kian! who would do such a thing?!" from there I knew that question was out of context. Devon would do this. he wanted Brianna all to himself, he basically wanted to kill Connor. he honestly has problems, he would actually kill someone to get a girl so he could abuse them and hurt her again. i have to get to the bottom of this.

you better meet me at the park before I hunt you down~u

who is this?? I wont go until I know who?~D

meet me there in ten, or things get ugly~U


I head to the park, once I arrive I see Devon near a park bench, I walk up to him with a stern look on my face. "Hey Sarah! funny meeting you here" he says happily. "stop playing games, I know you sunk the boat with all the youtubers on it, just so you can get Brianna back!" I almost yell. "ya I did! I have no regrets either! soon planes and forces will go find these missing 'Youtubers' and bring them back safely!" he yells. "how do you know that Brianna is alive?!" I shot back. he stays silent. "before you attempt a stunt like that, think about what would happen to the people around you" I say and storm back to my car. "Sarah! wait!" I hear him say. "I don't want to deal with anymore of your bullshit!" I drive off. since we met the O2L boys, I never knew our lives would be this hard

My LA Life (O2L FanFiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin